Michael Jackson is dead...
I am Numb....
Cant even start to process this information. Is it true?
I look through the Net and I see all the reports and news...
BBC news going through his life right now...Haix.
The King of Pop is dead....Dead and gone forever...
Now that I think about it, this man has been the reason why I do some things I do.
Without him, I won't be who I am today. I would be a different person, a different being.
From his moonwalk to his glides and energy, this was the man who inspired many around the world to out on their shoes and just dance... including me.
Makes me think about how life can change. One moment you're playing a video game, thinking about nothing in life. And next moment, your idol is gone... And you're wondering what have you done in life that makes you or your friends proud of you...
Life's way too short. And Michael lived it to his fullest.
Screw the media, screw the kids, screw the assholes and wannabes who hated him. He WAS King, will always be KING.
MJ is legend, and legends will live on, til the Sands of Time run out.
Goodbye Michael Jackson..
Goodbye Idol
Goodbye King.
We will remember you for life...
I have my answer now...