I dont get angry very often nowadays. I actually have more self-control now.
But when you feel robbed of your chance, raped of an opportunity and reduced to ashes, you feel nothing but fiery hot rage coursing through your veins. It's a feeling I haven't felt in a long time and I welcome it back.
It gives me drive, passion and a hatred for my friends-turned-enemies... For the plastic masks and painted on smiles, the prewritten words of fake encouragement. It is one thing to pick wisely, but when you make an obviously biased choice that hints at favouritism, you crossed the line. I thought I knew you, thought I could trust you, but now betrayal wont even come close to what i feel. You took the knife and plunged into my back, just cause you believed the words of a few incompatible pricks...
Now i'm just waiting to meet you again so I can wreack havoc in your life and house... Watch me burn your life down... Watch me tear your family apart, turn them to my cause....Make them mine...
Watch me turn you into the insignificant speck of dust you really are as I reclaim the kingship that is rightfully mine...