Haha! Your probably listening to Hotel California while reading this post. If not....switch off whatever music I'm playing and find Hotel California and play it.
HAHA! Came back from chalet. Loved every moment of it.
The arcading with Nicole and Anaz...The crazy travelling from Vivo to beach Station at Sentosa with Nicole Anaz Andrew Daniel Lex Colin Nicholas...Crazy ass shit!
Coming into the chalet just as the birthday cake is being cut for thr sisters! SCreaming and Yowling like crazy animals! Taking mad pictures after that!
Going off to play beach nightime volleyball with ALOT of people! Too many to name! But it was sweet. The later diving into the pool to cool off! That was sweet! Then heading to Beach Station to send Andrew farty, Suadz, Han Zhi, Nicole Cheung, Kim off! Sad they cant stay! Haix. The later lepak around coffee bean and talk cock stories with Daniel Betts Andrew(WOng) ANaz and Nicole.
Then move back to chalet and conqueres a room where we made daniel put up an impromptu show for us! WooHOO! Love that Dan! Then later left the Chalet with Dan and Lex to walk around.
Walked to Underwater world where Lex chased a Peacock from UNderwater world, to fort siloso, to jazz by the sea and then end up on the beach itself! zzz
Later go back to chalet, dive in to pool til like 10, wash up, and left sentosa. Went to see movie woth Anaz, Daniel, Nicole and Andrew at PS! 12 rounds....boring shit!
Then came home where i won $4 in gambling with my family...sweet! HAHA!!!
Haix! Very tire and sleepy! Talk some other time!