just thInking about someThings. isn't it odd how you always think some things in life are simple, but when the time comes, you are really stumped as to how you're going to Solve them. odd how you also happened to say that you may never get yourself into such a situation...yet here you are, stuck again.... grr...
another loNg tiring day... went to work and rotted...although im getting the hang Of the candy counter. managed to run the entire counter myself for a full two hours before i had to scream for help... wooTs!
my brother is screaming in the room...scaring the little girl... my mom is laughing.....What sick sadistic pleasures do people get from such activities?
Haix....what sick sAdistic pleasures do you get from such Things??
i wake everY morning to see your face... i am drawn to yOu...the sweet tantilizing taste of care-freeness, yet i know it will end Up in pain for me. yet i still follow you...
haix....gotta keep you out of my mind now... its Too painful. going in can mean more Harm than good....yet not goIng in brings me to the questioN...what if?
what if i did go in? what if i did follow you all the way. will we go where i want to? or will you taKe me on a journey through neverland....where everythIng is beautiful and perfect...buT it will never be for me...
from a shiny car to a rusty heap
such questions rack my mInd every day when i wake up... emo kid...i know...
but i like dwelling on Such things. but wise men said to not never dwell on what ifs...cos what ifs will never be....
i have to stop thinking about You. and start thinking about me...
so im going to stop looking at yOu...stop seeing you....stop thinking about you...
til i'll Just get a grip of myself...
Ill miss you...for now...