I don't what is it about me and criminally inclined activities.
Stealing bikes, shoplifting, sneaking people into workplace etc. It's like I was born with a malfunctioning circuit.
Think about it. I shoplifted at the age of 10...and I didn't even know. I took a packet of Hello Panda in my hand, walked out the store while talking animatedly to my friend, and only realised I had shoplifted it when I was throwing away the packet.
Don't even have to talk about my workplace. God knows what I have done subconsciously. But I know I have been sneaking people in for quite some time. So far, I've brought in 20 different sneak ins. But I never thought I was smart enough to get away with it. I was planning for when the shit hit the fan.
And guess what. Today it did... And I wasn;t even working. Tried sneaking in 3 people when I only bought 2 tickets... Naathan, Suadz and Isabelle had no idea I was sneaking 1 person in... Manager caught me.
Well, I'll know tomorrow if I am fired or not. Frankly speaking, I'd rather not work there anymore. Internship is starting soon anyways.
But the gig is up. Once you're caught, own up, face the music and move on to greener pastures. It was good while it lasted.
But honestly speaking, I'm getting irritated with what I'm doing. It's not funny anymore. When you climb into an abandoned school to go ghost hunting, its thrilling.
When you start to steal stuff from people who worked for it, you know you're losing it. I'll go back to my own code of ethics... My own ones. But like I said, it was god while it lasted... Just wish I'd have left work with a good rep instead.