I haven't posted in a long while, so I'd thought I'd start with a really interseting topic that has been going on for quite some time.
I was sitting around talking with some friends when the age-old argument of who is the better sex came up. I chose to listen cause I found it interesting to see both sides whack it out.
I'm no sexist. I have never actively believed that men should be more dominant. But I never believed it should be the women too. I always belief there should be a healthy balance of control between both parties.
But from the way the conversation was going, both sides were adamant about their superiority. None would want to give in.
It was then that I realised that if I was to pick an answer to the question of who is the better sex... I have to say women.
Not that there are no strong men out there, its just that there are too many pussy males walking around, unable to fend for themselves, that men get labelled as the weaker sex.
Lets list down why I think women are the better sex:
1. They dont have an obscene amount of ego like guys.
Guys have ego. Every guy. Even the nerds think their good at something. But its ok to have pride in your skills... Its like petrol; you need it to fuel you. But too much of it and you are sitting on a liquid petroleum bomb. Ego is what prevents a guy form asking for directions, or help, or just asking something. We are too obsessed with being right, that we forgot about being efficient and productive and useful and not a jerk.
But does that mean you have to kick your ego out the door? No. It just means that you really have to know what you're doing. But remember that sometimes, asking for help and curbing your ego abit helps prevent embarassing situations later.
2. Girls dont have the disadvantage of thinking with their dicks.
Guys have dicks. Its in every straight guys' nature to want to fuck. You cant help it. Thats evolution for you. But girls, being the emotionally complex creatures they are, have no problem keeping their sexual energies out of the equation. They can focus on the task at hand without being distracted while her male colleagues stare at her assets and fall way behind. I might be stereotyping here, but you cant rule out the fact that most girls can get a guy to do work for them with a sweet smile and a bit of flirting.
Its not immoral, and honestly, I have to hand it to you girls for actually mastering that art. Unfortunately, guys dont have much of a defense against that attack. You have to be focused too, and not on her assets damnnit!
3. Girls can multi-task better than guys.
Contrary to annoyingly popular beliefs, guys CAN multi-task. It's just that girls are better at it. But its not something we cant do. It's just that girls are wired much better than guys and they can keep ytrack of everything much better than guys. What does this mean for men? Pay attention and work on your multi-tasking skills. It's going to be hard, but if a man can eat a sandwhich, play Halo and watch a movie, I'm sure he can do much more productive stuff.
The list can go on and on... But that does not mean that men are doomed to be enslaved to the female prowess. Men and women have their strengths and weaknesses. Both need each other; that's how we're born. It's just that guys have grown complacent over the years and their oversized ego has gotten in the way of their judgement and that has lead to our eventual downfall form the sides of our female companions.
But most guys will never get it... Their too stubbornly egoistic.
In my defense, I have to say that there are true men out there... It's just that they are an endangered species.... It's either we change ourselves, or we become the true weaker sex.
I wrote this in a state of partial comatose so forgive my lack of a structure and grammatical errors and so on ....
Im going to turn in for the night.
Ps: The argument is still going on in MSN...