Yesterday was a good day at work.
Busted 7 smokers inside the cinema, 5 smokers in the toilets, 14 underage movie-goers, found a wallet with alot of money in it and returned it to its owner intact, found 3 handphones and probably terrorized a few kids into keeping quiet in the cinemas.
Yep. Yesterday was a good day.
Im not saying I was happy doing all those things, especially the underage thing. Its just that yesterday, some idiot on Stomp posted an article about how easy it is to get into GV Yishun to watch an underrated movie using his brother's card. He was practically boasting.
My manager decided that things were too slack and told us to buck up, so that was what we were doing.
And to Henry, Ka Hui and all your friends. Sorry I can't let you into the Final Destination. If you had bought tickets and tried to get in, I would have busted you guys...
Sorry dudes. I love my measly pay and free movies too much to give it up.
In other news, more people joined us at work. A guy from AI, Praveen, and another dude named Rafi. Socializing a bit more, but like I said. I have a job to do. Job first, socialize later.
And I have yet to tell someone something that will change me for the better I hope.
The time is coming... But when the time comes, will I have the courage to go up to this person and tell them?