First, lets analyze the word, reality
First, lets list down some things that are logically applicable as 'real' realities, or undeniable truths.
Gravity- It is agreed that what's goes up, must come back down to the Earth's surface. Or rather, what moves away from the surface of the Earth, must come back to its surface as long as gravitional pull is strong enough.
Force and Energy - Any moving object has kinetic energy. When that object comes to a stop, that energy MUST go somewhere. So that energy is transferred over, either to the air or another object.
The list can go on and on. These are undeniable truths.
But these are truths of nature... Of the natural world. 1 and 1 makes 2.
But what about the 'manufactured' realities. The fabricated truths.
These aren't lies. They are just fabricated truths. Confused?
Okay. Let me start from scratch. Everyone knows that Man is an organism so complex that we cannot analyze even 10% of what he does and why he does them.
But one thing we know for sure is that man needs Order to survive. MAN REQUIRES ORDER.
Without it, he would die, disappear. Cease to exist.
In the absence of Order, Man creates Order. It has to be part of the natural cycle. Agreed?
But who creates this Order?
Now here comes the tricky part...
Order has been an integral part of Man even before Man discovered fire, even before he hunted the Mammoths of the world.
This Order has been there since the start of Man's existence, ever since some small insignificant primate took the small step of standing up on two legs.
Did these creatures know of God then?
Did they worship some higher being? No. They created this Order amongst their small social groups so they could follow a set of rules to stay alive.
Wild animals survive in the world of teeth and law. Meaning only the strongest survive.
So it is true and possible that in these small groups, the strongest male was the leader of the group? The alpha male?
It is true. It is an undeniable truth.
Okay. Fast forward a few thousand years. Man is now covered in animal fur, holding spears and hunting wild things 10 times his size. Again, the Rule of Order sets in. 1 alpha male. But now, this lone alpha male can't decide for his entire group on his own. It is too much responsibility. He and select others have to decide where the group goes, what they do.
And what they believe in.
This is where fabricated truths set in.
Because he IS the alpha male, everyone in the group listens to him. If he says sleep, people sleep. If he says hunt, they hunt. If he says migrate, they do. He is not right ever. He only decides based on what he knows, which isn't alot.
But the group follows, cause they trust his instincts, and they trust him.
Fast forward few thousand years.
And you have the great empires and civillisations.
Great walled cities filled with joy and laughter...and war and blood.
These kingdoms are ruled by a select few. These select few are either chosen by the people, or ascend to the throne because of 'blood' Whatever the reason, there are people in power, who decided for the millions.
But a city cannot survive without purpose. No individual can. So these people in power make purposes. Soldiers to guard our city... Artists to beautify or city... Concubines to keep our soldiers happy... Every one is made to fulfill some purpose.
And society comes to believe and ACCEPT that these ARE the reasons for doing what they do.
But here is the question...
Why? yes, they have a purpose. But why do it? What is the overall purpose?
For the betterment of the city? Yes... But why?
So the people can be happy? The people can happy on their own. Why must they toil?
So that the people in power can remain in power??
Hmm... Is this possible?
Is it possible that the reason why there is a hierarchy is that the people at the top can remain at the top.
But what do they want from being the top?
The human need to be the center of everything. To be the top dog.
To live the way they want to live. To be secure in their own world, so they make those who look up to them do the work and make the masses believe they are really doing it for some greater good.
So these people in power direct their troops to take over another country, to raid and pillage more villages and cities... All from the comfort of their homes.
But after a while, the masses start to question the leaders.
Some are put down, others forced into being submissive. But this is not enough.
So they create Gods... Great mighty beings who call for the blood of their enemies... Leviathans who rise out of the seas, or soar into the skies and protect the people, and demand the services of the people.
They build great temples and worship this beings, not knowing that these Gods are the products of man himself...
Fast forward a few thousand years, we have Christianity, which in my opinion is the most amazing religion.
Nt because the bible declares it so... But because it is the One religion in history that sanctioned the killing of Millions of innocent people in the name of the Lord, when the bible preached mercy and equality
The idea was simple. The Kingdom of Christ wanted land and power. So they deemed the other races unfit for the world of God. Razing the ancient temples to the ground and building Churches on top of them, raping the women of the world, claiming them to be witches who worshipped some hideous Gods from the evil past, killing the children of the world, claiming them to be the spawns of the devil....
All these in the name of Mercy and Love...
If the Lord decreed all man equal than why is that the Church sanctioned genocides of entire civillisations?
You see my point?
In the ancient times, the Church was the Law, God and Government. What came from the Church was deemed to be the law. But who made the Church?
Who ran it?
So who controlled what was said?
Who wrote the bible?
Was the bible written after Christ's death?
Yes...300 hundred years after his death... By a bunch of people who barely knew Christ OR his disciples.
So is it possible that the bible and the Church is flawed?
Not possible.... It is
And not just the Christianity... Islam...Judaism.
All killed millions in the name of the one true God...
You know what that God was?
And that power resides in the hands of the few...
Fast forward to today.
Today, the Churches and the mosques and the temples hold no sway over us cause globalisation has made it so. People have been exposed to a variety of differing statements over the years that they don't know what to believe anymore.
So they turned to a new God...
Today, everything we do is controlled by how the media portrays us or wants us to be.
If a action star picked up a cigarette and smoked it, sales of cigarettes soars. If an actor makes love with another, underage pregnancies soar.
Of course you do.
This is reality of the world. Our reality is what the people in power have made it out to be.
Why is that what is normal and what is not is standardized by someone else. 20 years ago, homos were sanctioned demons. Today, they are becoming accepted because the media has made it so.
Soon, homos will become accepted.
That is the way of the world.
The person in power will keep changing it to keep his power... Keep us under his control. Keep us believing what he wants us to believe.
he doesn't like smoking cos it hurts HIS lungs...He doens't like sex cos HE cant get laid, so he wont let you get laid....or he believes in a very flawed religion that was also manufactured.
This argument can go on and on and on.... look. Im not saying I am right... I am saying that the you have to go and think for yourself.
Go out and figure out the world... Learn how it works. You'll be surprised.
Once you learn how it works, take advantage of it. Use it. Manipulate it.
No one said it was right or wrong.
There is only fabricated realities...
Why can't it be yours that people follow....
The World will Know my Name before I Die...