
So Passes a Decade..

I wrote this on New's year's Day itself, thought I'd publish it now.

Well, a new year is here. Most people are out, reveling in the this major holiday. Many are making new resolutions, others promising to fulfill their resollutions of last year. But I'm at home, in front of my laptop.



Ok, fine. Not a word I'd associate with myself. i do stupid things first then ask why I cant do it, but for once I'm actually just sitting down calmly (The Cult is blasting off my speakers...) and thinking of life (While my brother is scremaing for me to turn the speakers down).

2010...It's not just a New Year.

It's the start of a new decade, and that to me has more impact than anything else... It marks the start of my second decade of my life... Epic shit yeah i know..

Lets recap what Happened this Decade, starting from the start..

- Marked the New Millenia which i spent at my Grandma's house with all my cousin... Can still remember the party and the love we all had for each other, before everything went to shit.

- My first Drama performance ever. I played a tribal dude out to find his palce in the world... Can remeber the last minute practice at Priya's house.

- My first Dance performance. It was to an indian song, Don't judge me. but it was nice.

- Skipped countless lessons and after-school classes to hang with Satish and Loges... Those were nice days.

- PSLE Year. Crazy and boring at the same time. Got shouted at almost every single day cos I couldn't be bothered to do homework. Teacher said I would enver make it...Got 244 points... Suck my dick bitch.

- Sec 1! Caught the Trading Card fever, stoel money from Dad's wallet to buy cards for my bro and me.

- Got caught for trying to climb into a classroom cos our God-dammned key-holder was missing. Sorry Shaam...Got you involved...

- Shaam, Azrin, Azhar and me tried our hand at a class newspaper...Failed after edition 2... Oh well, we had fun with Daniel's 'downpayment' which by the way we never returned... Loser.

- Watched a movie with the guys...My first movie with friends. Can't remember the movie though...But that was good.

- Sec 3, joined drama club. Time of my life... All the stupid thigns we did. Not jsut in drama club. Outside of school (Remember Yishun Sec Sl**?) This was also the eyar when SIndhu found out I crushed on her...Embarassing

- Defaced the backstage of AI's hall with anarchy signs and 'F*** You!' messages. Climbed up into the flybars and hang upside-down from the bars 20 feet off the stage... Emptied all the fire-extinguishers into the hall... Everyone was wondering how come the hall was so dusty? yeah that was us. Got caught and were caned... Not so bad...

-Sec 4... 1st girlfriend, 1st breakup, 1st patch back... O'levels and other stuff too. Pretty decent year, not counting the number of times we tried to drive off our geo teacher.

- Poly life starts... 1st sem was awesome. Met new people, new friends, new campus, new place... 2nd sem started with major let-downs... Break-up the night before. But fuck that...

- Year 2 was full of life-changing moments... 1st sem started with me deciding that I needed to change my life. Joined SDZ, Cinderella: Revamped!, dropped out of SDZ, major emo moment towards the end of the year, finally got over her when in India...

-Year 3, new home. Final year Projects and AFT starts... Clash of the schedules, but pulled through.

- MJ passes away. (If this isn't epic enough, God Knows what else)

- Start of Peter Pan: Revamped.

- End of the Decade...

It was a good decade. I want to see if I can make the next better...

As I publish this from my com at work, I look out the window at the sunny sky with Hinder screaming in my ears, I wonder what the next decade has in store for us...