I've always wanted to know where the tradition of cutting cakes on a person's birthday came from. And why is it cakes? Can't we buy pizzas or a burger? And why do all cakes look the same?
Why am i asking this?
Cause I hate cake. More than seafood.
Yes I actually hate some food items. Hard to believe given my immense appetite (If you doubt this statement, then you've been majorly mis-informed). But I hate cake. The softness, the crumbly-ness... Just cake.
Now that I've gotten that out of my system, its my Dad's birthday today. Not that we did anything hoo-haa last night for him, just surprised him while he was sleeping with a cake and the usual happy birthday song (which by the way may I add, sounds like it was composed by somone with intelligence akin to a half-eaten millipede)
My relationship with my Dad nowadays is like using handphones to make IDD calls to India. You rarely get any signal, and when you do, you're shouting at the top of your lungs. But thats how its like. Everyday its just silent acknowledgement of each other's presence. Occasinally 9Once a week) he'll ask me if I've eaten. I'll ask him back the same question. We'll both say yes.
That's it.
We've filled our communication quota for the week.
This is what long-distnace relationships with your parents does to you. After a year of being seperated, I find it hard to connect with him on any level. I know he loves, I know I love him. But communication is dead.
Its not uncomfortable for me. I dont see it as a problem. I've already outgrown my need to depend on on a fatherly figure. I don't know if he sees it as a problem. I hope he doesn't. I barely have time for anyone else.
But there are some times when we feel connected, or our communication breaks the usual quota of a few words. Last night, when I told him the news, he was more than happy. We talked about it while they ate cake. It was good to be able to connect with him on some level. Maybe today I'll talk to him a bit more, find out how's work and everything.
Just maybe...