There are many types of women in my life. Some are the ones I cant tolerate, the whiny, crying for attention kind that just act cute. They freak me out.
There are the clueless helpless ones... The ones who are blur and dont know whats going on and everyone bullies them cos they are such an easy target. I pity them. There are the headstrong women who are independent and know what they want in love and push ahead irregardless of what others say. I admire them...
In fact the list can go on.
But there's only one girl... ONE girl in my life that I owe my life too... One I adore and love with my life... One I would go to any lengths to keep happy. There have been moments when I felt down and out and she was always there for me, even though she never had to say a word... She just knew that her boy was troubled and she would know exactly what to do make my day and help me through the pain.
Her smile is my sunshine and can brighten my day no matter how dark the clouds are.... Her tears like cold drenching rain on my heart that brings me to tears. Her very presence sets me at ease and I can sit down and talk to her about everything in my life and she will just smile and listen to me for hours without tiring...something most girls cant do...
I am truly blessed to have her in my life.
I never knew how important she was to me... But now I am eternally grateful to her...
There are many types of women in life.
There are the whiny, act cute ones...
The pathetic ones....
The headstrong ones...
But none of them can compare....
Cos she is the only one of her kind in my life....
And I love her with all my life..
Even though I know she will never read this, I just wanted to let her know how much I appreciate her...And let her know this....
Happy Birthday Mom.... =D