There are many people you'll meet in life. You'll befriend most of them. But there's always one group of friends that you will set aside from the rest, hold them in your heart higher than anything else, ready to throw everything you have to run to their side, no matter the consequences...
We call them Brothers...
It's a unique bond that you share with each other, stronger than any normal friendship. It's a bond that once formed, can never break... Shouldn't break. Ever...
It's hard to explain the bond, but every guy understands what it means on some subconscious level. It's ingrained in every man from the day they were born.
I have never forgotten the people I called my brothers, cos I don't do that easily. I call almost every guy 'Bro', but only a few my 'brothers'. I hold them in high regard in my heart, and I'll always throw away anything to save my relationship with them, even it means throwing away pride and dignity. There's a nothing wrong in it. Brothers fight all the time, but are ready to fight for each other in a second. I'll fight you face to face now, but if you are in trouble, I'm fighting with you back to back...
That is the sign of a brotherhood.
People might forget what they once meant to us in the heat of the moment..
They will throw out punches that hurt, and words that hurt even more...
But never forget you once called each other Brother and would have given all for them in a second...
They might have forgotten that, but you should never forget it...
I used to call them brothers...
They've forgotten...
But I haven't...