
My body is still aching. Can't turn around properly without feeling the strain in the ribs. Awesome shit. Sighs.

Its been a bit of a fruitful week at work. I got my share of the work done, although I did deviate a bit...Youtube was too seductive. But yeah, got my share of the work done, got praised by my superiors through email, but nonetheless its stll praises.

The AFT guys are playing L4D2 on a daily basis now. Its no longer "Hey you want to go down to play?" but more of  "How long have you guys been there?" I swear to God i saw new hardward in the PCs at Netcorner... Looks like our contributions have been put to good use.

I think we have gone beyond the stages of having fun...Now we are addicted. What can you sy, its a fun game. But DOTA was fun too... But it wasn't so fun after you play it for 14 hours straight every day for 95 days. Thats addiction. And honestly, some AFTeens are msot likely already at that stage. Its just that they dont have the time to burn, but if they did, netcorner will be 24/7.

Moving on, I went for my VA couple of days ago. Same as CMPB, except they made me take physical tests too. I will know in 2 months time if I'm enlisted . If I am, good. If not then i can try for Guards. Either way, I'm jumping out of something airborne. I'm not going to get a desk job or a tech job in the Army. No way man! Fuck that. I'd rather eat roaches than sit in an office or workshop all day tinkering with reports and nuts. No offence to the engineers of the world, but I wasn't built to fix things. I just like to smash them.

Internship finishes in 2 weeks! Woots! Don't know what I'm going to do after that, but I'll find something. Probably find work that invovles me going outdoors ALOT. I've had my fill of office life for some time now, so I need a change of scene.

Anyways, a ball just dropped on my head. My supervisor is in the next cubicle talking to another MRO. I'd better publish this and get back to work.

Standing on two feet look at the world darling? That's nice... Just make sure you get better