
Starcraft Madness

So my Internship has ended. Looking for a job; Sameer found us all a job at the airport, so we're waiting for them to call. God knows when they will call. Dad just said there is a dispatch job in town, but I guess I'l wait for this airport guys. It will be fun to have other AFT members there together; helps pass the time faster. 

Anyways, found and downloaded Starcraft today. I'm amazed that I can still recall the strtegies and hotkeys even though I haven't played it in a few years. Was playing against some guys from the States this morning... I lost, but then again it was 3v4 (I was on the team of 3) and one my teammates was a newb I guess. 

Gotta go, going to find some more people to battle online. 

PS: Naathan, sorry about your C&C cds man. Will replace them for you. In the meantime, wanna join me in Starcraft? =D




21 eh? Finally, you're officially an adult! How's it feel girl? HAHA...

Okay, before you kill me, I just want to say that you really are one of the most awesome people 
I know; you can cook, sing, write songs, make people happy, shoot zombies, turn violent... it's just awesome...

I am really very thankful to have you as one of my closest friends... Chilling together, hanging out, our 'lunch dates'... You really put a smile on my face everytime. And we both have awesomely similar problems that we talk about and it makes going through the day bearable. HAHA.. I sound emo....but yeah! =D

Just know that no matter what happens in life, and no matter where you go, you'll always have a freakishly tall friend somewhere behind you, always supporting you... 


Psst: Click Here ----> http://greenteapple.blogspot.com/


The Beauty of Poly

Another Friday post, I should so make this a scheduled thing. I never blog enough, and even if I do, it’s always about something redundant, but to hell with that…

Today is the last day of Internship! WooHoo! It seems like freedom again. I like my workplace, don’t get me wrong, but working 8:30am to 6pm daily kinda gets to you. Plus you’re stuck at a desk, so you start to get restless. Thank God for my com and the Internet access or I would have DIED!

Haven’t met my classmates in 3 months… Exactly 3 months. The last time I saw them, we were stoned, tired and on our way home from Clarke Quay. Seeing them again would be fun, and we can start swapping stories about our internships.

Today also happens to be the last official day of my Poly… With the end of my internship, my Poly life comes to an end. Whenever I tell myself that, I get a mixture of feelings, happy and sad.

I’ve finished what I wanted to do, which was to get my Dip as well as a Spec Dip… I’ve made many new friends, I’ve enjoyed life, I’ve experienced many ups and many more downs, but I’ve pulled through just fine…

So why am I sad?

Cos I’ll be saying goodbye to the only constant in my life for the past 16 years… School.

As much as I hated some parts of school (exams, horrible teachers/lecturers) I loved most parts of it. Friends, hanging out, talking cock with some really amazing lecturers, playing around and learning new stuff in the studios, doing projects that stretched my mental and physical limits (Sleeping on your laptop keyboard is not advised) Going to town on Friday afternoons was always fun. It really gets you to wind down from a long week at school…

The real education in Poly does not come from your lectures or notes or from what you learn in projects… Its around you, from the people you spend time with and the lecturers who share their knowledge with you.

It’s the things you do everyday and the mistakes you make doing them that teach you the most…

That’s the beauty of Poly…


Valentines Day

Feb 14! Haha!

I really have nothing to say for Valentines. It was the same like any other Valentines...No special someone. No dates. Nothing,

It never bothers me though. I found that the fun of Valentines came from watching the mad rush for gifts and flowers at gift shops and shopping centres, watching the staff go crazy at overbooked restaurants and cafes and counting the crazy amount of color co-ordination that couples put into their dressing so that they could be a couple.

I applaud the militaristic planning that people put into surprising their loved ones, the extra special dinners and extra expensive gifts. I just never understood why they never did this on any of other 364 days...

What makes this day so special that everyone is going about doing stuff for one another but they forget about it on the other days. So today she is 'That One' and tomorrow 'she's just my girlfriend'... haix.

But I found out today that the real meaning of Valentine was not love...

But Hope, a bright star in the dark sky...something to look forward to. Something to tell you that no matter how bad your day has been, there is always that someone who will always love you. That you can have 364 days of non-stop fighting but on this one day, you can really enjoy each other's company, to take the time to tell each other how much you appreciate them.

All across the island, people are falling in love again, or falling in love for the first time. Cuddled in the arms of their loved ones, they stare at the moon or sea or stars, dreaming of the long beautiful road of love ahead.

A beautiful stranger on the train back home made me realize what I've been missing all along...



5 Days to PayDay...I think!

Its Friday again! Woots!

You gotta love Fridays

I seem to be doing Friday blogs quite often now. Don't blame me, Fridays put me in a good mood. And it looks slightly overcast outside my window so thats good. Rainy Friday nights...Perfect..

Listening to songs in the office while doing work. Doing quite a fair share of work. Annual Crime Stats Conference is on Monday and I have some things to settle in preparation of that. But other than that, just minding my own business. My side of the office is so quiet now cause a lot of people sitting around my cubicle have moved away to their new places as the office is undergoing renovations. So I get one half of the office to myself...Which is nice cause I enjoy the quiet. Nothing but the air-con humming and soft music seeping out of my speakers to fill my cubicle.

Been home a lot nowadays. Not that I am talking to my family a lot, its so-so. The only one who's talking to me properly would be my bro, and even then I just ask him how's school, ask him if he's having problems with his studies and his friends. He says he'k okay, so I just leave him at that.

I'm just waiting for a few things now:
  1. Internship to end
  2. Pay to come in
Honestly, if my pay comes in, I can get a lot of shit done. Pay off debts, bills, loans etc. My  handphone bills are waiting at home on the table, I got some debts to settle and I have my laptop instalment to pay for. Most of my pay is probably going to burn, but hey, thats okay. At least I can sleep easy knowing I have nothing waiting on me.

But pay's in another 5 days, so until then....STARVE!

Lol. Not that bad actually. My workplace has unlimited supply of Milo. Welfare is good here, so there is always a cup of hot Milo on my table. That keeps me going through the day until I get real food at home. Got to finish up the attendance list for the media personnel before I go home. The guys are most likely going L4D2 later. I'll give it a pass I think...

Sighs... Gotta love Fridays


My body is still aching. Can't turn around properly without feeling the strain in the ribs. Awesome shit. Sighs.

Its been a bit of a fruitful week at work. I got my share of the work done, although I did deviate a bit...Youtube was too seductive. But yeah, got my share of the work done, got praised by my superiors through email, but nonetheless its stll praises.

The AFT guys are playing L4D2 on a daily basis now. Its no longer "Hey you want to go down to play?" but more of  "How long have you guys been there?" I swear to God i saw new hardward in the PCs at Netcorner... Looks like our contributions have been put to good use.

I think we have gone beyond the stages of having fun...Now we are addicted. What can you sy, its a fun game. But DOTA was fun too... But it wasn't so fun after you play it for 14 hours straight every day for 95 days. Thats addiction. And honestly, some AFTeens are msot likely already at that stage. Its just that they dont have the time to burn, but if they did, netcorner will be 24/7.

Moving on, I went for my VA couple of days ago. Same as CMPB, except they made me take physical tests too. I will know in 2 months time if I'm enlisted . If I am, good. If not then i can try for Guards. Either way, I'm jumping out of something airborne. I'm not going to get a desk job or a tech job in the Army. No way man! Fuck that. I'd rather eat roaches than sit in an office or workshop all day tinkering with reports and nuts. No offence to the engineers of the world, but I wasn't built to fix things. I just like to smash them.

Internship finishes in 2 weeks! Woots! Don't know what I'm going to do after that, but I'll find something. Probably find work that invovles me going outdoors ALOT. I've had my fill of office life for some time now, so I need a change of scene.

Anyways, a ball just dropped on my head. My supervisor is in the next cubicle talking to another MRO. I'd better publish this and get back to work.

Standing on two feet look at the world darling? That's nice... Just make sure you get better