
The Beauty of Poly

Another Friday post, I should so make this a scheduled thing. I never blog enough, and even if I do, it’s always about something redundant, but to hell with that…

Today is the last day of Internship! WooHoo! It seems like freedom again. I like my workplace, don’t get me wrong, but working 8:30am to 6pm daily kinda gets to you. Plus you’re stuck at a desk, so you start to get restless. Thank God for my com and the Internet access or I would have DIED!

Haven’t met my classmates in 3 months… Exactly 3 months. The last time I saw them, we were stoned, tired and on our way home from Clarke Quay. Seeing them again would be fun, and we can start swapping stories about our internships.

Today also happens to be the last official day of my Poly… With the end of my internship, my Poly life comes to an end. Whenever I tell myself that, I get a mixture of feelings, happy and sad.

I’ve finished what I wanted to do, which was to get my Dip as well as a Spec Dip… I’ve made many new friends, I’ve enjoyed life, I’ve experienced many ups and many more downs, but I’ve pulled through just fine…

So why am I sad?

Cos I’ll be saying goodbye to the only constant in my life for the past 16 years… School.

As much as I hated some parts of school (exams, horrible teachers/lecturers) I loved most parts of it. Friends, hanging out, talking cock with some really amazing lecturers, playing around and learning new stuff in the studios, doing projects that stretched my mental and physical limits (Sleeping on your laptop keyboard is not advised) Going to town on Friday afternoons was always fun. It really gets you to wind down from a long week at school…

The real education in Poly does not come from your lectures or notes or from what you learn in projects… Its around you, from the people you spend time with and the lecturers who share their knowledge with you.

It’s the things you do everyday and the mistakes you make doing them that teach you the most…

That’s the beauty of Poly…