
Starcraft Madness

So my Internship has ended. Looking for a job; Sameer found us all a job at the airport, so we're waiting for them to call. God knows when they will call. Dad just said there is a dispatch job in town, but I guess I'l wait for this airport guys. It will be fun to have other AFT members there together; helps pass the time faster. 

Anyways, found and downloaded Starcraft today. I'm amazed that I can still recall the strtegies and hotkeys even though I haven't played it in a few years. Was playing against some guys from the States this morning... I lost, but then again it was 3v4 (I was on the team of 3) and one my teammates was a newb I guess. 

Gotta go, going to find some more people to battle online. 

PS: Naathan, sorry about your C&C cds man. Will replace them for you. In the meantime, wanna join me in Starcraft? =D