I dont get angry very often nowadays. I actually have more self-control now.
But when you feel robbed of your chance, raped of an opportunity and reduced to ashes, you feel nothing but fiery hot rage coursing through your veins. It's a feeling I haven't felt in a long time and I welcome it back.
It gives me drive, passion and a hatred for my friends-turned-enemies... For the plastic masks and painted on smiles, the prewritten words of fake encouragement. It is one thing to pick wisely, but when you make an obviously biased choice that hints at favouritism, you crossed the line. I thought I knew you, thought I could trust you, but now betrayal wont even come close to what i feel. You took the knife and plunged into my back, just cause you believed the words of a few incompatible pricks...
Now i'm just waiting to meet you again so I can wreack havoc in your life and house... Watch me burn your life down... Watch me tear your family apart, turn them to my cause....Make them mine...
Watch me turn you into the insignificant speck of dust you really are as I reclaim the kingship that is rightfully mine...
A few more hours before I fly off to Taiwan.
Its not really that epic really... Taiwan is just slightly harder than Tekong... But the chances of anything bad happening is next to zero. The worst that could probably happen is that I die of food poisoning during our 2 day rest and relaxation or the plane crashes into the sea. Other than that, it shouldn't be THAT tough.
But the fact that I'll be so far from home for so long is what is getting to me and everyone else in camp. No one is worried sick about the missions to come. We know we will survive. It's just the fact that its a new country and there is no way of calling back home to your family and friends.
I never thought I'd ever go to Taiwan.... Not like I wanted to go there, but seriously, "Taiwan nightclubs are the shit" as quoted by my dear sergeants. It'll be smth to look forward to during our 11 day training. No point worrying about whats gonna happen to us during training... You'll just make yourself sick.
Plus its only 3 weeks....
Yeah, I'm trying to reassure myself. LOL!
But I'm going to miss a lot of things while I'm gone. Family, pet dog, friends, bed, food, bed, food.... Haha!
To Andrew:
Thanks for the gift bro... HAHA! That has got to be one of the best motivations I'll have in Taiwan. It really must have been hell trying to get it. I want to see the same thing on you when I come back! =D Love ya bro. TC!
To my close friends (You knw who u are u losers! =D):
Don't miss me, I know I'm awesome. I'll be back before you know it... Haha! I'll be throwing a BBQ when I come back, so all of the AFT members plus plus a few ppl here and there invited... Yeah thought I should let you guys know that... Me and Naathan are trying to make BBQs a norm... Do you really need a reason to enjoy good food, music and company?
And this is to my girl out there:
4 years is nearly over dey!!!! You're going to finish your papers in just a week or so! HAHA! I've known you for 2 1/2 years (My God! It's been THAT long!) but I'm so proud to see how much you've grown in that 2 1/2 years. Exactly a year ago, you would tell me that you couldn't.... Now that word won't even leave your lips.... In my eyes, you are one of the strongest person I know. I'm not just saying that. I mean it. Every single word and letter. You have become someone I can proudly say is my friend...My sister...
And I know I'm not going to be here for 3 weeks... I can't call you EVERY single night like I normally do... And I won't be here when you're A's finish... But just know that somewhere far off in a foreign jungle, your soldier will look up at the moon on the same night you finish your papers and smile... Cos I know you'll be looking at the same moon. And if there is no moon then fuck it, I'll look at the brightest star.
We will party like rockstars when I get back...
Everyone one of us. =D
I'll be leaving Changi Airport in a plane in a few hours as Specialist Cadet Trainee Yogaraj...
And I'll be coming back on the 11th/12th Dec at midnight as 3rd Sergeant Yogaraj....
Signing off
Mr Yoji
Its not really that epic really... Taiwan is just slightly harder than Tekong... But the chances of anything bad happening is next to zero. The worst that could probably happen is that I die of food poisoning during our 2 day rest and relaxation or the plane crashes into the sea. Other than that, it shouldn't be THAT tough.
But the fact that I'll be so far from home for so long is what is getting to me and everyone else in camp. No one is worried sick about the missions to come. We know we will survive. It's just the fact that its a new country and there is no way of calling back home to your family and friends.
I never thought I'd ever go to Taiwan.... Not like I wanted to go there, but seriously, "Taiwan nightclubs are the shit" as quoted by my dear sergeants. It'll be smth to look forward to during our 11 day training. No point worrying about whats gonna happen to us during training... You'll just make yourself sick.
Plus its only 3 weeks....
Yeah, I'm trying to reassure myself. LOL!
But I'm going to miss a lot of things while I'm gone. Family, pet dog, friends, bed, food, bed, food.... Haha!
To Andrew:
Thanks for the gift bro... HAHA! That has got to be one of the best motivations I'll have in Taiwan. It really must have been hell trying to get it. I want to see the same thing on you when I come back! =D Love ya bro. TC!
To my close friends (You knw who u are u losers! =D):
Don't miss me, I know I'm awesome. I'll be back before you know it... Haha! I'll be throwing a BBQ when I come back, so all of the AFT members plus plus a few ppl here and there invited... Yeah thought I should let you guys know that... Me and Naathan are trying to make BBQs a norm... Do you really need a reason to enjoy good food, music and company?
And this is to my girl out there:
4 years is nearly over dey!!!! You're going to finish your papers in just a week or so! HAHA! I've known you for 2 1/2 years (My God! It's been THAT long!) but I'm so proud to see how much you've grown in that 2 1/2 years. Exactly a year ago, you would tell me that you couldn't.... Now that word won't even leave your lips.... In my eyes, you are one of the strongest person I know. I'm not just saying that. I mean it. Every single word and letter. You have become someone I can proudly say is my friend...My sister...
And I know I'm not going to be here for 3 weeks... I can't call you EVERY single night like I normally do... And I won't be here when you're A's finish... But just know that somewhere far off in a foreign jungle, your soldier will look up at the moon on the same night you finish your papers and smile... Cos I know you'll be looking at the same moon. And if there is no moon then fuck it, I'll look at the brightest star.
We will party like rockstars when I get back...
Everyone one of us. =D
I'll be leaving Changi Airport in a plane in a few hours as Specialist Cadet Trainee Yogaraj...
And I'll be coming back on the 11th/12th Dec at midnight as 3rd Sergeant Yogaraj....
Signing off
Mr Yoji
Jungle Warfare
Fuck Rambo.
You cant carry a baooka and machine gun and fight an entire war on your... I know... I tried.
Just booked out of camp.
Past 9 days has been... well... shagged is a bit of an understatement. Its like you not doing ALL the projects in school for a year, and then the night before the deadline, you are rushing ALL of it in a few hours while trying to run 5km in 30 mins and carrying all your belongings in your house right now in a field pack.... It s a bad way of explaining what Tekong was, but that was basically how we felt constantly for 5 days. Total of 120 hours of that. Less than 12 hours of actual sleep.
The rest of the time, we are either planning, walking/jogging, bashing through a thick jungle, waiting for the enemy, attacking,planting detonation charges and then pulling back 4-5 km carrying your buddy on a stretcher who had apparently 'been grievously injured in the raid'.
My brain is not functionaing properly right now.
Our bodies and minds have gone beyond the point of 'Damn! Im tired', gone beyond 'STOP NOW BITCH!'... Gone beyond ' This is it, im gonna die'...
Haix... This is what happens when you try to squeeze a 12 week course into 7 weeks...
Tekong is not fun... Trust me on this.
Every BMTC dude out there will tell you the same thing, but he's probably been IN THE FIELD for maybe 5-6 days tops...
When I mean in the field, I really mean in the field.
We dont sleep in shelters or tents... or even on ground sheets.
We sleep in a circle formation in a muddy clearing in the jungle with our field packs in front and our guns pointed outwards. We sleep with one eye open, cos there's a likelyhood that a wild boar carrying off your field pack in the night, or that 'enemy forces' will attack your patrol base in the middle of the night.
I always admired the soldiers in the movies, out in jungles fightin Vietcongs and shit... But when Im finally doing it, with a bazooka at my feet and machine gun firing non- stop on my right, its not that fun at all...
Maybe Im just not totally used to it yet.
Commandos is fun, but you just have to get used to it.
There is ALOT of cool stuff, and we do get to learn and do the shit that all those heroes in movies do.
But its not fun when you're being graded on how well you do it. Not fun when you are carrying a $20,000 night vision goggle on your head that could snap off and drop away into the night, leaving you to answer, and probably pay for it. THOSE things are not fun.
But spamming 120 rounds on full auto is fun... Seeing the looks on your 'enemy' forces faces when you kill them is fun... Reporting,' Mission Success' on your comms set is fun...
Taiwan is gonna be better... Way better.... I hope....
At least we get to party after 11 days field camp there.... And IM just waiting to party hard...
You cant carry a baooka and machine gun and fight an entire war on your... I know... I tried.
Just booked out of camp.
Past 9 days has been... well... shagged is a bit of an understatement. Its like you not doing ALL the projects in school for a year, and then the night before the deadline, you are rushing ALL of it in a few hours while trying to run 5km in 30 mins and carrying all your belongings in your house right now in a field pack.... It s a bad way of explaining what Tekong was, but that was basically how we felt constantly for 5 days. Total of 120 hours of that. Less than 12 hours of actual sleep.
The rest of the time, we are either planning, walking/jogging, bashing through a thick jungle, waiting for the enemy, attacking,planting detonation charges and then pulling back 4-5 km carrying your buddy on a stretcher who had apparently 'been grievously injured in the raid'.
My brain is not functionaing properly right now.
Our bodies and minds have gone beyond the point of 'Damn! Im tired', gone beyond 'STOP NOW BITCH!'... Gone beyond ' This is it, im gonna die'...
Haix... This is what happens when you try to squeeze a 12 week course into 7 weeks...
Tekong is not fun... Trust me on this.
Every BMTC dude out there will tell you the same thing, but he's probably been IN THE FIELD for maybe 5-6 days tops...
When I mean in the field, I really mean in the field.
We dont sleep in shelters or tents... or even on ground sheets.
We sleep in a circle formation in a muddy clearing in the jungle with our field packs in front and our guns pointed outwards. We sleep with one eye open, cos there's a likelyhood that a wild boar carrying off your field pack in the night, or that 'enemy forces' will attack your patrol base in the middle of the night.
I always admired the soldiers in the movies, out in jungles fightin Vietcongs and shit... But when Im finally doing it, with a bazooka at my feet and machine gun firing non- stop on my right, its not that fun at all...
Maybe Im just not totally used to it yet.
Commandos is fun, but you just have to get used to it.
There is ALOT of cool stuff, and we do get to learn and do the shit that all those heroes in movies do.
But its not fun when you're being graded on how well you do it. Not fun when you are carrying a $20,000 night vision goggle on your head that could snap off and drop away into the night, leaving you to answer, and probably pay for it. THOSE things are not fun.
But spamming 120 rounds on full auto is fun... Seeing the looks on your 'enemy' forces faces when you kill them is fun... Reporting,' Mission Success' on your comms set is fun...
Taiwan is gonna be better... Way better.... I hope....
At least we get to party after 11 days field camp there.... And IM just waiting to party hard...
There are many people you'll meet in life. You'll befriend most of them. But there's always one group of friends that you will set aside from the rest, hold them in your heart higher than anything else, ready to throw everything you have to run to their side, no matter the consequences...
We call them Brothers...
It's a unique bond that you share with each other, stronger than any normal friendship. It's a bond that once formed, can never break... Shouldn't break. Ever...
It's hard to explain the bond, but every guy understands what it means on some subconscious level. It's ingrained in every man from the day they were born.
I have never forgotten the people I called my brothers, cos I don't do that easily. I call almost every guy 'Bro', but only a few my 'brothers'. I hold them in high regard in my heart, and I'll always throw away anything to save my relationship with them, even it means throwing away pride and dignity. There's a nothing wrong in it. Brothers fight all the time, but are ready to fight for each other in a second. I'll fight you face to face now, but if you are in trouble, I'm fighting with you back to back...
That is the sign of a brotherhood.
People might forget what they once meant to us in the heat of the moment..
They will throw out punches that hurt, and words that hurt even more...
But never forget you once called each other Brother and would have given all for them in a second...
They might have forgotten that, but you should never forget it...
I used to call them brothers...
They've forgotten...
But I haven't...
To my special Girl...
There are many types of women in my life. Some are the ones I cant tolerate, the whiny, crying for attention kind that just act cute. They freak me out.
There are the clueless helpless ones... The ones who are blur and dont know whats going on and everyone bullies them cos they are such an easy target. I pity them. There are the headstrong women who are independent and know what they want in love and push ahead irregardless of what others say. I admire them...
In fact the list can go on.
But there's only one girl... ONE girl in my life that I owe my life too... One I adore and love with my life... One I would go to any lengths to keep happy. There have been moments when I felt down and out and she was always there for me, even though she never had to say a word... She just knew that her boy was troubled and she would know exactly what to do make my day and help me through the pain.
Her smile is my sunshine and can brighten my day no matter how dark the clouds are.... Her tears like cold drenching rain on my heart that brings me to tears. Her very presence sets me at ease and I can sit down and talk to her about everything in my life and she will just smile and listen to me for hours without tiring...something most girls cant do...
I am truly blessed to have her in my life.
I never knew how important she was to me... But now I am eternally grateful to her...
There are many types of women in life.
There are the whiny, act cute ones...
The pathetic ones....
The headstrong ones...
But none of them can compare....
Cos she is the only one of her kind in my life....
And I love her with all my life..
Even though I know she will never read this, I just wanted to let her know how much I appreciate her...And let her know this....
Happy Birthday Mom.... =D
There are the clueless helpless ones... The ones who are blur and dont know whats going on and everyone bullies them cos they are such an easy target. I pity them. There are the headstrong women who are independent and know what they want in love and push ahead irregardless of what others say. I admire them...
In fact the list can go on.
But there's only one girl... ONE girl in my life that I owe my life too... One I adore and love with my life... One I would go to any lengths to keep happy. There have been moments when I felt down and out and she was always there for me, even though she never had to say a word... She just knew that her boy was troubled and she would know exactly what to do make my day and help me through the pain.
Her smile is my sunshine and can brighten my day no matter how dark the clouds are.... Her tears like cold drenching rain on my heart that brings me to tears. Her very presence sets me at ease and I can sit down and talk to her about everything in my life and she will just smile and listen to me for hours without tiring...something most girls cant do...
I am truly blessed to have her in my life.
I never knew how important she was to me... But now I am eternally grateful to her...
There are many types of women in life.
There are the whiny, act cute ones...
The pathetic ones....
The headstrong ones...
But none of them can compare....
Cos she is the only one of her kind in my life....
And I love her with all my life..
Even though I know she will never read this, I just wanted to let her know how much I appreciate her...And let her know this....
Happy Birthday Mom.... =D
I dont wanna be anything...
I dont want a career...
I dont want people to talk about me...
I dont want to be a leader...
I dont want to be a role model...
I dont want to live a life...
I dont want anything...
I dont want to be like everyone else...
Sounds depressing? Kinda.
Past 2 weeks have been hard on me. Im not just saying. I really mean it. I've never had to endure so much physical pain and mental torture in my whole life.
Leaders course wasnt as rosy as I thought it would be. I knew it was going to be hard, but who would have thought it would be this hard.
I wake up at 5am everyday and do strenuous PT, followed by hours of lecture and lessons. And then we have to settle alot of stores and admin for our trainings the next day and by the time we hit the sack, it could easily be 11 or 12pm. Next day, we wake up and we are off to God knows where to spend the whole day doing exercises, like urban ops or navigation until 1030pm and then we are dropped off in Mandai to navigate through the night or something like that...
I'm not whining. Dont get me wrong. I am actually trying to take it all in stride. But the most painful thing about this past few weeks is how I've let my attitude slide.
I used to be so full of energy and vibe during BMT. I wanted to accomplish so much... But now during leaders course, Im just worried about getting through the day, surviving...
Just survive... endure... take it...
Words that work to keep me down and out while the rest of my fellow trainees take the chance to step up to the plate and show what they've got. And when i look at them, I get even more depressed... and its like a vicious cycle that keeps going on for the whole 5 and a half days...
I booked out of camp this week with one aim in mind: Next week onwards, its gonna be different... Its gonna be like BMT again,
No matter how tired I am, Im going to keep pushing, keep marching, keep singing and soldiering on. No matter how down I feel, I am going to keep my guys' spirits up. Keep them motivated. Keep them moving.
No matter what the day brings, Ill take it, and go through it without breaking a sweat...
Leaders is a whole new challenge for me. For the first time in my life, I'm facing an obstacle where I have to use my 100% energy and willpower to clear it.... maybe more.
Its refreshing to push urself to the limits and accomplish your assigned task and tell yourslef 'good job'...
There's a line in the Leaders' creed that we have to say out every day before meals that really struck a cord with me. here it is:
Resolutely will i honor the trust bestowed upon me. I will apply my dare and skill. I will use my initiative. I will not fail...I am a leader, follow me.
I will not fail. Everytime we say this part, no matter how tired or shagged we are, everyone says that one part with so much energy, with so much power it sends shivers down my back. Its a powerful line. Its a devastating line. People have overcome so many impossible obstacles in life because of that one line...
And its that one line that gave me a new perspective of life last night. A new direction... Energy and drive to push on and conquer the barriers that they have thrown at me....
So here's the second part to my intro:
I dont want a career... I want an adventure
I dont want people to talk about me...
I dont want to be a leader...
I dont want to be a role model...
I dont want to live a life...
I dont want anything...
I dont want to be like everyone else...
Sounds depressing? Kinda.
Past 2 weeks have been hard on me. Im not just saying. I really mean it. I've never had to endure so much physical pain and mental torture in my whole life.
Leaders course wasnt as rosy as I thought it would be. I knew it was going to be hard, but who would have thought it would be this hard.
I wake up at 5am everyday and do strenuous PT, followed by hours of lecture and lessons. And then we have to settle alot of stores and admin for our trainings the next day and by the time we hit the sack, it could easily be 11 or 12pm. Next day, we wake up and we are off to God knows where to spend the whole day doing exercises, like urban ops or navigation until 1030pm and then we are dropped off in Mandai to navigate through the night or something like that...
I'm not whining. Dont get me wrong. I am actually trying to take it all in stride. But the most painful thing about this past few weeks is how I've let my attitude slide.
I used to be so full of energy and vibe during BMT. I wanted to accomplish so much... But now during leaders course, Im just worried about getting through the day, surviving...
Just survive... endure... take it...
Words that work to keep me down and out while the rest of my fellow trainees take the chance to step up to the plate and show what they've got. And when i look at them, I get even more depressed... and its like a vicious cycle that keeps going on for the whole 5 and a half days...
I booked out of camp this week with one aim in mind: Next week onwards, its gonna be different... Its gonna be like BMT again,
No matter how tired I am, Im going to keep pushing, keep marching, keep singing and soldiering on. No matter how down I feel, I am going to keep my guys' spirits up. Keep them motivated. Keep them moving.
No matter what the day brings, Ill take it, and go through it without breaking a sweat...
Leaders is a whole new challenge for me. For the first time in my life, I'm facing an obstacle where I have to use my 100% energy and willpower to clear it.... maybe more.
Its refreshing to push urself to the limits and accomplish your assigned task and tell yourslef 'good job'...
There's a line in the Leaders' creed that we have to say out every day before meals that really struck a cord with me. here it is:
Resolutely will i honor the trust bestowed upon me. I will apply my dare and skill. I will use my initiative. I will not fail...I am a leader, follow me.
I will not fail. Everytime we say this part, no matter how tired or shagged we are, everyone says that one part with so much energy, with so much power it sends shivers down my back. Its a powerful line. Its a devastating line. People have overcome so many impossible obstacles in life because of that one line...
And its that one line that gave me a new perspective of life last night. A new direction... Energy and drive to push on and conquer the barriers that they have thrown at me....
So here's the second part to my intro:
I dont want a career... I want an adventure
I dont want people to talk about me... I want them write stories about me
I dont want to be a leader... I want to be a hero
I dont want to be a role model... I want to be a Legend
I dont want to live a life... I want to live a lifestyle... My lifestyle
I dont want anything... i want everything...
I dont want to be like anyone else.... I just wanna be me... One and only...
Are we losing it?
At times, i feel like we've lost it, what we once had. the magic, the passion and the dreams. i dont know if you feel it, but i do. i see it everytime i book out and it hurts me deeply. i dont know where we went wrong or what we did, but we dont seem excited about it the way we were so many months back.
Frankly speaking, i think we have to wake up our fukcing ideas if we want to go on together and acheive what we set out to do. im not the only one who thinks this way.
Time is running out. soon we will just be memories and everything will drift apart. its already happening. please do something about it before we lose it... cos its the only thing ive got.
ps: the way i see it, theres only us. if anyone else tries to intrude into our lives and change us, ill fuck them up. cos this is ours, and i wont let them destroy it.
ps: the way i see it, theres only us. if anyone else tries to intrude into our lives and change us, ill fuck them up. cos this is ours, and i wont let them destroy it.
Its been a month since I blogged.
I barely have time to blog, even on the weekends. I come out of camp, rush home to change and go out, mostly to Semb. Weekends have now become so precious to me, and every second wasted is like gold dust seeping through my hands... Haix. I dont even know what the heck the gold dust thing was about.
Anyways, POPed last week Friday. It was spectacular. I enjoyed it, especially since my family was around, along with Anaz, Suadz and Kanitha. I received the Platoon best award, which was a fucking big surprise to me... Never expected it. I was also posted to CSLC, Commando Small-Unit Leader COurse, which is what wanted.
But somehow, Im not that happy. The last 1 week in camp was really stressing on us. New people, new bunk, and a whole lot more shit to learn... Life in the army just got tougher. For the last 3 days in camp, all I could think about was Booking Out... I didnt wanna be in there. I missed my old bunkmates. I missed my old Platoon. I missed my BMT... Fuck. Its only 1 week into our new course and Im already feeling stressed...wtf.
Maybe its cause we didnt get a nice long break after our POP, like the rest of the NSFs did. Everyone else got 10 days... I only got 4...
Which was why I was so fucking relieved to get out of camp this week... I wanted to spend it with people I felt comfortable with, doing things I used to do back when I was a civvie. Saturday musical practice didnt turn out the way I wanted it to... Half the guys were gone by the time I got there. But that was ok. Went over to Palani's house to surprise him. Then me and Nats left to go lan. That was probably the most relaxing thing i did this weekend. Just the two of us thrashing virtual Chinese Army and Middle Easter forces in our baddass chopper... HAHA.
Miss doing Hamsam show with the...em...PINKY-GS guys. Lol. Crazy care-free days. Fuck la, we need to do an episode again guys. Soon. Doing an episode with you guys will feel like a well spent weekend.
Maybe go for a movie after that. And then thon overnight somewhere and lepak.
Hmm, letting all this out just made me feel better. Lol.
Maybe thats what I need to do. Plan my weekends so that I have something to look forward to each week... Something to get me through the days. Haha.
I think i've found the answer to my dilemma.
I barely have time to blog, even on the weekends. I come out of camp, rush home to change and go out, mostly to Semb. Weekends have now become so precious to me, and every second wasted is like gold dust seeping through my hands... Haix. I dont even know what the heck the gold dust thing was about.
Anyways, POPed last week Friday. It was spectacular. I enjoyed it, especially since my family was around, along with Anaz, Suadz and Kanitha. I received the Platoon best award, which was a fucking big surprise to me... Never expected it. I was also posted to CSLC, Commando Small-Unit Leader COurse, which is what wanted.
But somehow, Im not that happy. The last 1 week in camp was really stressing on us. New people, new bunk, and a whole lot more shit to learn... Life in the army just got tougher. For the last 3 days in camp, all I could think about was Booking Out... I didnt wanna be in there. I missed my old bunkmates. I missed my old Platoon. I missed my BMT... Fuck. Its only 1 week into our new course and Im already feeling stressed...wtf.
Maybe its cause we didnt get a nice long break after our POP, like the rest of the NSFs did. Everyone else got 10 days... I only got 4...
Which was why I was so fucking relieved to get out of camp this week... I wanted to spend it with people I felt comfortable with, doing things I used to do back when I was a civvie. Saturday musical practice didnt turn out the way I wanted it to... Half the guys were gone by the time I got there. But that was ok. Went over to Palani's house to surprise him. Then me and Nats left to go lan. That was probably the most relaxing thing i did this weekend. Just the two of us thrashing virtual Chinese Army and Middle Easter forces in our baddass chopper... HAHA.
Miss doing Hamsam show with the...em...PINKY-GS guys. Lol. Crazy care-free days. Fuck la, we need to do an episode again guys. Soon. Doing an episode with you guys will feel like a well spent weekend.
Maybe go for a movie after that. And then thon overnight somewhere and lepak.
Hmm, letting all this out just made me feel better. Lol.
Maybe thats what I need to do. Plan my weekends so that I have something to look forward to each week... Something to get me through the days. Haha.
I think i've found the answer to my dilemma.
Shake the dust off
Its been a LOOOONG time since I blogged.
And tonight I feel like blogging again. A lot has been happening in my life in the past one month.
Most importantly, National Service.
I've realized more things about myself and learnt a lot in these past few weeks than I've learnt in the in the past few months. Army life has been an eye opener for me.
People have always told me how army life is a waste of time, how it sucks away your precious social life etc etc.
I honestly dont feel any of that.
Army is fun.
Straight up. Its Freaking fun! I enjoy every minute of it. This may sound like bullshit, but hear me out.
Army has taught me how to accept changes in your life and take them into stride, and perform to the best of your abilities, no matter the situation. Everyday is another challenge for me. Getting up, doing PT, marching, learning new things about being a soldier, more PT and then more learning.
But every day I wake up with only one thought in my mind: Today's Yoga will be better than yesterday's Yoga. Today I will break yesterday's standards. Today I will set new standards for myself.
Everyday I force myself to run faster, push harder and climb higher than I did the day before. Its a challenge to me, a chance to push my limits.
And being a Commando recruit, your limits get higher and higher each day.
My first IPPT test, I ran my 2.4km in 9mins 54 secs. I've never run that fast in my life. And i thought I would never run that fast again.
2 days ago I ran again... 8 mins 53 secs. Seeing that drastic improvement made me realize how much Ive been pushing myself, how much my endurance has risen. Im proud of myself. I am. I wont deny it. Its one of those few rare opportunities in life where I can look myself in the mirror and say: Good Job Dude!
But more than anything, I'm proud of my fellow soldiers, people who cant run, who cant push, but they refuse to give up, refuse to let pain affect them. People who believe in mind over matter.
The old army saying: You make your best buddies in BMT is true. Suffering together, pushing each other, motivating each other has brought me and my bunkmates close together to the point where it seems like I've known them for years, even though we've only known each other for 4 weeks.
Learning how to motivate each other and take care of each other is something I take away with me when I leave camp every week. What the Army has thought me, I apply.
My sergeants have taught me the best way to lead people is not by screaming at them like dogs, making us do pushups and torturing us. It's by treating each and every person around you as an equal, as a man. As someone who is responsible and mature, irregardless their age, background and race. Thats the way they treat us.
Give respect and take respect.
I've gotten back in touch with my Dad, talking to him a lot when I have the chance. It no longer feels like a father son talk, but more of a friend to friend talk. I want to have more of this talks with him, even though my weekends are so limited.
But one negative thing about the Army is how it has freaked up my body clock. Nowadays, no matter what time I sleep, i still automatically get up at 530am, and I cant go back to bed.
So forgive me if I seem tired or worn out. I just need a bit more adjusting.
But on the overall, I love NS life. Why must I hate it?
I'd rather learn to love the next 2 years of my life than bitch and moan about it. You just have to look at the positive side of things.
For my AFT:
Tonight was a really great night guys. I had a load of fun with you guys, hanging out at Vivo, playing board games and listening to that crazy ride back home.
If I seemed tired or out of it for the past few weeks, its not cos I am 'step' cool or whatever. Im just tired. But I try my best to be lively around you guys. Its not that hard. You guys cheer me up everytime. EVERYTIME.
Every night, I stand at the railing of barracks and from where I am, I can see all the way across the island to the City. I can see places like Hougang and Punggol. Its beautiful, being able to see civillisation from camp.
My only gripe is that I cant see all the way back to Sembawang. Back to home.
This may sound mushy, but Im just gonna say it.
Knowing Im going to see you guys on the weekends is what keeps me going through the week. Every night I go to sleep, I know its another day closer to hanging out with you guys. I do miss you guys while Im in camp. Its hard not to.
You spend the better part of the past 2 years with people who you treat and love like family and suddenly you only get to see them for a day in a week? Its hard.
Thats why the moment I book out of camp, I rush back home to change and go out to the CC to see you guys. Walking from the MRT station to the CC is nostalgic to say the least. The thousand and one walks we've had there, the nonsense we've done, the shows we've put up...
Maybe most of you dont understand it, but to me, it really brightens my day up when I walk into the Theatrette and I see all of you all there, doing what you guys love doing best, and suddenly, it seems like old times again.
Some wise dude once said Absence make the heart grow fonder. It really does. Even though I dont seem like I miss you guys, just know that I am happy as F*** to see you all. Screw BF2. I'd rather just sit there and just watch you guys perform for hours. Its like therapy. It motivates me. It energizes me and preps me for another week of hard pushing.
Tonight was one of those nights I wont forget for months to come. Im going to take back the letter with me back to camp and pin it up on my mirror. So every night before I go to sleep, I can take a look at it, and go to bed with a smile on my lips knowing somewhere far off across the isalnd, I have people I truly care for waiting for me.
People who I call my family.
PS: Im going to break the Commando 2.4 km timing record before my BMT ends... And Im going to do it for you guys...
And tonight I feel like blogging again. A lot has been happening in my life in the past one month.
Most importantly, National Service.
I've realized more things about myself and learnt a lot in these past few weeks than I've learnt in the in the past few months. Army life has been an eye opener for me.
People have always told me how army life is a waste of time, how it sucks away your precious social life etc etc.
I honestly dont feel any of that.
Army is fun.
Straight up. Its Freaking fun! I enjoy every minute of it. This may sound like bullshit, but hear me out.
Army has taught me how to accept changes in your life and take them into stride, and perform to the best of your abilities, no matter the situation. Everyday is another challenge for me. Getting up, doing PT, marching, learning new things about being a soldier, more PT and then more learning.
But every day I wake up with only one thought in my mind: Today's Yoga will be better than yesterday's Yoga. Today I will break yesterday's standards. Today I will set new standards for myself.
Everyday I force myself to run faster, push harder and climb higher than I did the day before. Its a challenge to me, a chance to push my limits.
And being a Commando recruit, your limits get higher and higher each day.
My first IPPT test, I ran my 2.4km in 9mins 54 secs. I've never run that fast in my life. And i thought I would never run that fast again.
2 days ago I ran again... 8 mins 53 secs. Seeing that drastic improvement made me realize how much Ive been pushing myself, how much my endurance has risen. Im proud of myself. I am. I wont deny it. Its one of those few rare opportunities in life where I can look myself in the mirror and say: Good Job Dude!
But more than anything, I'm proud of my fellow soldiers, people who cant run, who cant push, but they refuse to give up, refuse to let pain affect them. People who believe in mind over matter.
The old army saying: You make your best buddies in BMT is true. Suffering together, pushing each other, motivating each other has brought me and my bunkmates close together to the point where it seems like I've known them for years, even though we've only known each other for 4 weeks.
Learning how to motivate each other and take care of each other is something I take away with me when I leave camp every week. What the Army has thought me, I apply.
My sergeants have taught me the best way to lead people is not by screaming at them like dogs, making us do pushups and torturing us. It's by treating each and every person around you as an equal, as a man. As someone who is responsible and mature, irregardless their age, background and race. Thats the way they treat us.
Give respect and take respect.
I've gotten back in touch with my Dad, talking to him a lot when I have the chance. It no longer feels like a father son talk, but more of a friend to friend talk. I want to have more of this talks with him, even though my weekends are so limited.
But one negative thing about the Army is how it has freaked up my body clock. Nowadays, no matter what time I sleep, i still automatically get up at 530am, and I cant go back to bed.
So forgive me if I seem tired or worn out. I just need a bit more adjusting.
But on the overall, I love NS life. Why must I hate it?
I'd rather learn to love the next 2 years of my life than bitch and moan about it. You just have to look at the positive side of things.
For my AFT:
Tonight was a really great night guys. I had a load of fun with you guys, hanging out at Vivo, playing board games and listening to that crazy ride back home.
If I seemed tired or out of it for the past few weeks, its not cos I am 'step' cool or whatever. Im just tired. But I try my best to be lively around you guys. Its not that hard. You guys cheer me up everytime. EVERYTIME.
Every night, I stand at the railing of barracks and from where I am, I can see all the way across the island to the City. I can see places like Hougang and Punggol. Its beautiful, being able to see civillisation from camp.
My only gripe is that I cant see all the way back to Sembawang. Back to home.
This may sound mushy, but Im just gonna say it.
Knowing Im going to see you guys on the weekends is what keeps me going through the week. Every night I go to sleep, I know its another day closer to hanging out with you guys. I do miss you guys while Im in camp. Its hard not to.
You spend the better part of the past 2 years with people who you treat and love like family and suddenly you only get to see them for a day in a week? Its hard.
Thats why the moment I book out of camp, I rush back home to change and go out to the CC to see you guys. Walking from the MRT station to the CC is nostalgic to say the least. The thousand and one walks we've had there, the nonsense we've done, the shows we've put up...
Maybe most of you dont understand it, but to me, it really brightens my day up when I walk into the Theatrette and I see all of you all there, doing what you guys love doing best, and suddenly, it seems like old times again.
Some wise dude once said Absence make the heart grow fonder. It really does. Even though I dont seem like I miss you guys, just know that I am happy as F*** to see you all. Screw BF2. I'd rather just sit there and just watch you guys perform for hours. Its like therapy. It motivates me. It energizes me and preps me for another week of hard pushing.
Tonight was one of those nights I wont forget for months to come. Im going to take back the letter with me back to camp and pin it up on my mirror. So every night before I go to sleep, I can take a look at it, and go to bed with a smile on my lips knowing somewhere far off across the isalnd, I have people I truly care for waiting for me.
People who I call my family.
PS: Im going to break the Commando 2.4 km timing record before my BMT ends... And Im going to do it for you guys...
The Karate Kid
So I haven't posted in a while. Thought I might start with a short review of the movie, The Karate Kid. Haven't done reviews in a while either...
Now before I start, let me just say this.... THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO KARATE IN THIS FILM.
Not to say I did not enjoy this film; I did. But it doesn't make sense to me to call it the The Karate Kid, when its all just Kungfu. But thats my only gripe with this movie, and that aside, it was an enjoyable 2 hour flick.
The story is your typical Hollywood style Western-kid-goes-East-doesn't-like-it-gets-bullied-by-other-Eastern-kids-wants-to-go-home-finds-another-Eastern-guy-to-teach-him-some-cool-shit-then-wins-the-tournament-thingy.
To put it simply, take the entire storytline of Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift, replace the driftng with some kungfu, Sean with Dre, Tokyo with Beijing and you've got yourself the Karate Kid.
Oddly enough, both mentor characters from both movies share the same name; Han from Tokyo Drift and Mr Han from Karate Kid... Hmm...
Anyways, you might think that the same formula might bore people, but what worked well in Tokyo Drift works well here too, albeit with better acting.
Jaden puts up a great performance as a black kid in a chinese country learning kungfu to defend himself. For his second performance, I was quite surprised that the young Smith can act. But given who his parents are, it wasn't really that surprising after all. There were even times when I saw a bit of Big Willie come onto the screen, especially in the comedy scenes. And the romance between Jaden and his female co-star didn't play that important a role in this film, which if you ask me is a smart thing to do. Experience tells me action directors can't direct love scenes (Anakin and Padme anyone?)
Jackie Chan also delivers as the quiet, serious Mr Han, a man grieving the death of his wife and son who redeems himself by teaching the young Jaden kungfu. Most of us are too used to Jackie's hilarious actions and dialogue, so when this film presents a slightly more serious tone to him, it feels like a completely different person is acting. But there were a few scenes where the Jackie we knew poked through and the audience had a good laugh.
The film is a solid 2 hours, but we didn't notice the time passing til the end. Then some of us had to run for the last trains...
On the overall, the film is definitely worth the money and time. If you're looking for something light-hearted to enjoy with your friends, this is definitely THE movie to watch.
I'd personally rate this movie 3.5 out of 5 stars.
PS: Several well-known kungfu stars also make a cameo in this film... Can you spot them?
Resorts World Sentosa
It's been quite some time since I blogged... A month actually. I've been caught up with a LOT of stuff; Peter Pan, working and of course Resorts World Sentosa... So this blog might not be as epic as my other posts...
How can I not blog about Resorts World Sentosa...Haha.
The past one month has been a very fulfilling experience. Rehearsing like mad, goofing off, pissing people off, saving PA's ass and then putting up an AWESOME SHOW! We had a LOT of fun on stage, of that I have no doubt.
To all my fellow AFT family members, we have gone through some very hard times in the past one month. We've shouted at people and been shouted at by people, danced and sung our hearts, lungs and knee caps off. But we all deserve a round of applause for accepting everything on a positive note and improving ourselves. In Sameer's words, positivity and negativity equals prosperity...
Last night will be the talk of the the town for months to come. I'm proud of Saras for taking bullshit on both ends, from PA and from us, proud of all the non-dancers and non-singers (almost everyone) for trying their best and putting themselves into an uncomfortable position.... just fucking proud.
Last night is as significant as CInderElla Revamped! Arteen Furteens has just achieved a greater height. Once again we've proven ourselves to everyone. Every freaking YEC will now know we exist, will now know we are out there and they obviously know we are fucking good!
Now lets just relax and wait for the phone calls to come in. We'll up to our necks in performances for the next few months..
Tired and Happy Mr Yoji...
How can I not blog about Resorts World Sentosa...Haha.
The past one month has been a very fulfilling experience. Rehearsing like mad, goofing off, pissing people off, saving PA's ass and then putting up an AWESOME SHOW! We had a LOT of fun on stage, of that I have no doubt.
To all my fellow AFT family members, we have gone through some very hard times in the past one month. We've shouted at people and been shouted at by people, danced and sung our hearts, lungs and knee caps off. But we all deserve a round of applause for accepting everything on a positive note and improving ourselves. In Sameer's words, positivity and negativity equals prosperity...
Last night will be the talk of the the town for months to come. I'm proud of Saras for taking bullshit on both ends, from PA and from us, proud of all the non-dancers and non-singers (almost everyone) for trying their best and putting themselves into an uncomfortable position.... just fucking proud.
Last night is as significant as CInderElla Revamped! Arteen Furteens has just achieved a greater height. Once again we've proven ourselves to everyone. Every freaking YEC will now know we exist, will now know we are out there and they obviously know we are fucking good!
Now lets just relax and wait for the phone calls to come in. We'll up to our necks in performances for the next few months..
Tired and Happy Mr Yoji...
I'm kinda Busy
The War on Terrorism is taking a toll on our soldiers... BRING THEM BACK!!!
Now I'm just waiting for Al-Qaeda to release their remake on Bad Romance...
Never Second Guess Yourself
If there is one thing I learnt this past few months is to never let people make you second guess yourself.
Never doubt yourself. Never let yourself think that maybe THEY were right... Maybe it isn't really a good idea...
Its an IDEA.. YOUR Idea.
Who's they to tell you you didn't do a good job... Fuck them. We pulled through and made it. People just say shit cos they want to give comments and suggestions, but when it comes to doing it, they run away. They're too afraid to make their dreams work out.
Let the haters hate... Let the spectators spectate. It's our court and we're the ones playing the game. Believe in what you do. If you KNOW its going to work, let it happen. Don't stop yourself.
You decide what you do with your life
Not God, not fate, not them... Only you.
Faded Photographs...
Life is funny.
It's like a scrapbook of old faded photos thrown together that only makes sense to those in those photos...
The people who smiled and posed for those flashing lights...
But we forget what those photos were taken for...
It was for us to remember the happy moments, to capture them as they pass before our eyes so we may never forget they ever happened.
But sometimes we forget about these photographs, and they fade away in the dark recess of our drawers. Those happy moments that were so precious to us fade away and become just photographs...
Just people we knew, places we visited...
Happiness that was temporary.
Now as I go through these old photographs,
I realize the importance of those moments...
Why we were smiling...
Why we were posing...
It wasn't cause we were happy that we survived yesterday...
It wasn't cause we were looking forward to tomorrow...
But we were living in those moments..
Where we were happy to be around each other..
In the company of our loved ones...
In those precious moments that meant the world to us...
That still do.
Don't ever forget those moments,,
Those smiling faces in those photographs might never smile again for us to see...
So take out your photographs, take out your memories, your life, and look through it before it truly becomes lost...
Life is funny.
It's like a scrapbook of old faded photos thrown together that only makes sense to those in those photos...
The people who smiled and posed for those flashing lights...
But even those faded photographs can't take away those moments from us...
The Grind behind the Magic
Whats goes on in the most entertaining, supposedly 'magical' place in Singapore?
You know what I'm talking about...
Resorts World Sentosa. Singapore's first casino, Singapore's first and only Universal Studios Amusement Park, Singapore's biggest convention centre blah blah blah...
I'll tell...
Pain, confusion, screaming, anger, hatred and God knows what else.
Let me start by describing the resort... ITS HUGE!
The WHOLE resort is built on the BIGGEST under ground car-park I've EVER seen. There is a freaking bus route through this car park; a total of 5 bus stops serviced by 20 over buses that drop off and pick up the hundreds of staff working there at various stops, like Casino stop, Universal Studios Stop etc.
To describe the carpark in the quickest way possible: Remember Moria from The Lord of the Rings? All those pillars? Yep, thats RWS basement for you.
Once you get off at your bus stop, you make your way past the lorries that are constantly loading and unloading and you enter the staff corridors, a winding, confusing labyrinth that will have newcomers lost in a jiffy.
I was lost a couple of times and the signs don't help at all. There are like several main kitchens, dozens of side kitchens, trolley bays, trolleys, store rooms, laundry pick up and drop off points and freak knows what else1. The whole thing looks and feels like a complex fortress built only for ONE purpose:
Confuse the FUCK out of the staff so that the Managers can fuck them up for taking their time to walk from one point to another!
Not that I was scolded by any manager... I'm too alert for that... For now.
The Casino oddly enough is boring .
Just people burning away their money in the hopes of winning a grand sum or fortune. The Casino is even giving away a freaking Lamborghini as a lucky draw prize... Who's money do you think they bought that Lamborghini with..??
MICE is interesting enough. The whole complex is ONE HUGE Ballroom that can be separated into 6 smaller ballrooms. Each of these ballrooms can easily, EASILY hold a thousand plus people, so guess how freaking big the entire Ball room is?
They will probably hold the next National Day in there and don't snort cause I KNOW it's possible. The ceiling's high enough to let off a couple of fireworks and if they can roll a lorry THROUGH the ballroom, I'm sure they can squeeze in a tank or two.
Setting up a ballroom for an event however, is back-breaking. Carrying tables, setting up tables, setting plates, unstacking chairs, pushing and pulling heavy-ass trolleys and God knows what else I did today... It is definitely NOT fun. It hurts, it's depressing and there is absolutely NO rest cause the managers are always watching, waiting like freaking hawks for a chance to swoop down on you and tear you apart with their verbal talons.
But once you're done with your work, you can take the time to admire the amount of money and work that has gone into the construction of this epic resort. The chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the beautiful wooden panel walls will put any Disney castle to shame. Everything is washed or cleaned during the off-peak hours so everytime you walk back in, it's brand new again.
From the staff corridors/labyrinth that services over 10,000 staff workers, to the beautiful designs and architecture that has gone into the buildings itself, Resorts World Sentosa really is an interesting place to work at, full of 'magic' and 'adventure'...
Now can someone get me a fucking map to the staff corridors PLEASE!?
You know what I'm talking about...
Resorts World Sentosa. Singapore's first casino, Singapore's first and only Universal Studios Amusement Park, Singapore's biggest convention centre blah blah blah...
I'll tell...
Pain, confusion, screaming, anger, hatred and God knows what else.
Let me start by describing the resort... ITS HUGE!
The WHOLE resort is built on the BIGGEST under ground car-park I've EVER seen. There is a freaking bus route through this car park; a total of 5 bus stops serviced by 20 over buses that drop off and pick up the hundreds of staff working there at various stops, like Casino stop, Universal Studios Stop etc.
To describe the carpark in the quickest way possible: Remember Moria from The Lord of the Rings? All those pillars? Yep, thats RWS basement for you.
Once you get off at your bus stop, you make your way past the lorries that are constantly loading and unloading and you enter the staff corridors, a winding, confusing labyrinth that will have newcomers lost in a jiffy.
I was lost a couple of times and the signs don't help at all. There are like several main kitchens, dozens of side kitchens, trolley bays, trolleys, store rooms, laundry pick up and drop off points and freak knows what else1. The whole thing looks and feels like a complex fortress built only for ONE purpose:
Confuse the FUCK out of the staff so that the Managers can fuck them up for taking their time to walk from one point to another!
Not that I was scolded by any manager... I'm too alert for that... For now.
The Casino oddly enough is boring .
Just people burning away their money in the hopes of winning a grand sum or fortune. The Casino is even giving away a freaking Lamborghini as a lucky draw prize... Who's money do you think they bought that Lamborghini with..??
MICE is interesting enough. The whole complex is ONE HUGE Ballroom that can be separated into 6 smaller ballrooms. Each of these ballrooms can easily, EASILY hold a thousand plus people, so guess how freaking big the entire Ball room is?
They will probably hold the next National Day in there and don't snort cause I KNOW it's possible. The ceiling's high enough to let off a couple of fireworks and if they can roll a lorry THROUGH the ballroom, I'm sure they can squeeze in a tank or two.
Setting up a ballroom for an event however, is back-breaking. Carrying tables, setting up tables, setting plates, unstacking chairs, pushing and pulling heavy-ass trolleys and God knows what else I did today... It is definitely NOT fun. It hurts, it's depressing and there is absolutely NO rest cause the managers are always watching, waiting like freaking hawks for a chance to swoop down on you and tear you apart with their verbal talons.
But once you're done with your work, you can take the time to admire the amount of money and work that has gone into the construction of this epic resort. The chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the beautiful wooden panel walls will put any Disney castle to shame. Everything is washed or cleaned during the off-peak hours so everytime you walk back in, it's brand new again.
From the staff corridors/labyrinth that services over 10,000 staff workers, to the beautiful designs and architecture that has gone into the buildings itself, Resorts World Sentosa really is an interesting place to work at, full of 'magic' and 'adventure'...
Now can someone get me a fucking map to the staff corridors PLEASE!?
Awaiting my next Adventure
So I got my enlistment letter today.
Going in on the 30th of July. Thats exactly 71 days from today.
Thats exactly 10 weeks... 10 FREAKING WEEKS!
I can't exactly explain how I'm feeling. On one hand, I'm excited that I'm finally getting enlisted. Army life has always seemed exciting for me. All the tough training, guns and God knows what else...
The other side of me feels sad for the 2 years I'm going to spend there. Not as much hangouts, not as much family time. Well, we'll see when the time comes. Knowing me, I'll find a way to escape real guns and make it to a gaming centre somewhere and blast away on virtual guns...
Met up with Mus, Naathan and Sameer today to have a 'lepak' session that turned into a Peter Pan discussion session. (Side Note: Someone needs to put Sameer down before his head explodes from all the ego. Just cause you're the lead doesn't mean I have to kiss your a** Sameer! Peter Pan must die... Freaking diva.)

Going in on the 30th of July. Thats exactly 71 days from today.
Thats exactly 10 weeks... 10 FREAKING WEEKS!
I can't exactly explain how I'm feeling. On one hand, I'm excited that I'm finally getting enlisted. Army life has always seemed exciting for me. All the tough training, guns and God knows what else...
The other side of me feels sad for the 2 years I'm going to spend there. Not as much hangouts, not as much family time. Well, we'll see when the time comes. Knowing me, I'll find a way to escape real guns and make it to a gaming centre somewhere and blast away on virtual guns...
Met up with Mus, Naathan and Sameer today to have a 'lepak' session that turned into a Peter Pan discussion session. (Side Note: Someone needs to put Sameer down before his head explodes from all the ego. Just cause you're the lead doesn't mean I have to kiss your a** Sameer! Peter Pan must die... Freaking diva.)
Look at that smug face....
And this is are the other two heroes deep in discussion:
(I feel I should say something about this picture but I can't really find anything at the moment...)
Some kinks here and there in Peter Pan that need sorting out, but on the overall, I think we're doing pretty fine, so don't beat urself up guys. We still got 8 months to go to showtime... Plenty of time to put up a kick-ass show!
PETER PAN!....yeah....
Mr YoJi
PS: No one believed me when I told you all Sameer was gay... Well here's the proof!

Summer Blockbusters!
Its the season for Summer Blockbusters. They make no sense, have no plots, but their cast is a steaming pot of gorgeous babes and stylish guys, CGI, real stunts blah blah the whole deal and you have a 2 hour popcorn movie fiesta!
That's pretty much the recipe for a really good blockbuster hit. Good acting is a bonus, but hot actors and actresses are better. What's not to like about Megan Fox and Shia LBeouf in Transformers?
And that brings me to the topic of my discussion, which is every person's OWN blockbuster hit. The one they act in on a DAILY basis. Don't get me?
Imagine your life to be a movie. You're the Star. You have an amazing co-star and you're surrounded by your supporting actors and actresses. You obviously NEED a villain and your own set of trials and tribulations. You always hit a point in your story where the girl/guy you love is taken away, your supporting cast loses faith in you and the villains have triumphed. Then the story changes; you pick up your pieces, you gather your friends and you roll in smoking hot into the villain's base, kick some evil maniacal ass, get into an epic chase sequence that ends in some kick-ass dialogue and then you get the girl/guy of your dreams.
That's an awesome movie. Its an EPIC movie. One that always rakes in money at the Box Office.
That is how every movie should work.
Sadly, for most of us, our movies get stuck at several places. Our co-stars are not the perfect fit for us, our supporting actors suck REALLY bad or there is never a climax and the movie goes straight to DVD...
What we don't realise is that WE are the ones directing OUR film. Its our choice. Our decisions that shape our film. We dont have to be stuck with Paris Hilton for a co-star when a Megan Fox would do better. Why get Ja Rule as your best friend when you know Martin Lawrence is the SHIT. And why live life a down, when you know that you are more than prepped for that ass-whooping you're about to hand out to the villains!
Take a step back in life and list down the following: Who's your co-star, who's your supporting actors and actresses, who are the villains, where is your story gonna go, how epic are you gonna finish etc etc.
Most important question of all: Are you, the hero, worth the 2 hours the world is gonna spend on you?
If you're not, go do something about it and THEN go make a kick-ass movie...
Mr YoJi
Katt Williams-
'Everyone's worried about things that they have no control of! Everyone's worried about what the next person is wearing, how the other person is doing in life, what are THEY driving, where are THEY living... Fuck THAT! You're primary concern is the Star Player in the Mirror you see every morning, "Nigga, how are YOU today?"
You have got to be THE SHIT to yourself to be THE SHIT to the world!!! CAN I GET AN AMEN!?'
Amen Katt...
That's pretty much the recipe for a really good blockbuster hit. Good acting is a bonus, but hot actors and actresses are better. What's not to like about Megan Fox and Shia LBeouf in Transformers?
And that brings me to the topic of my discussion, which is every person's OWN blockbuster hit. The one they act in on a DAILY basis. Don't get me?
Imagine your life to be a movie. You're the Star. You have an amazing co-star and you're surrounded by your supporting actors and actresses. You obviously NEED a villain and your own set of trials and tribulations. You always hit a point in your story where the girl/guy you love is taken away, your supporting cast loses faith in you and the villains have triumphed. Then the story changes; you pick up your pieces, you gather your friends and you roll in smoking hot into the villain's base, kick some evil maniacal ass, get into an epic chase sequence that ends in some kick-ass dialogue and then you get the girl/guy of your dreams.
That's an awesome movie. Its an EPIC movie. One that always rakes in money at the Box Office.
That is how every movie should work.
Sadly, for most of us, our movies get stuck at several places. Our co-stars are not the perfect fit for us, our supporting actors suck REALLY bad or there is never a climax and the movie goes straight to DVD...
What we don't realise is that WE are the ones directing OUR film. Its our choice. Our decisions that shape our film. We dont have to be stuck with Paris Hilton for a co-star when a Megan Fox would do better. Why get Ja Rule as your best friend when you know Martin Lawrence is the SHIT. And why live life a down, when you know that you are more than prepped for that ass-whooping you're about to hand out to the villains!
Take a step back in life and list down the following: Who's your co-star, who's your supporting actors and actresses, who are the villains, where is your story gonna go, how epic are you gonna finish etc etc.
Most important question of all: Are you, the hero, worth the 2 hours the world is gonna spend on you?
If you're not, go do something about it and THEN go make a kick-ass movie...
Mr YoJi
Katt Williams-
'Everyone's worried about things that they have no control of! Everyone's worried about what the next person is wearing, how the other person is doing in life, what are THEY driving, where are THEY living... Fuck THAT! You're primary concern is the Star Player in the Mirror you see every morning, "Nigga, how are YOU today?"
You have got to be THE SHIT to yourself to be THE SHIT to the world!!! CAN I GET AN AMEN!?'
Amen Katt...
The Return of the Shameless
Happy Sameer? I'm FINALLY updating my blog!
AFT SoundWave Performance tonight at Causeway Point. We are all pumped up like crazy! I dont think we've been this prepared for a performance before, not even CinderElla: Revamped! Good job to Praveen for taking charge and 'orchestrating' our entire performance. Good Luck to all our AFT Performers!
I am crazy tired right now so I'm going to stop here for now...
AFT SoundWave Performance tonight at Causeway Point. We are all pumped up like crazy! I dont think we've been this prepared for a performance before, not even CinderElla: Revamped! Good job to Praveen for taking charge and 'orchestrating' our entire performance. Good Luck to all our AFT Performers!
I am crazy tired right now so I'm going to stop here for now...
Starcraft Madness
So my Internship has ended. Looking for a job; Sameer found us all a job at the airport, so we're waiting for them to call. God knows when they will call. Dad just said there is a dispatch job in town, but I guess I'l wait for this airport guys. It will be fun to have other AFT members there together; helps pass the time faster.
Anyways, found and downloaded Starcraft today. I'm amazed that I can still recall the strtegies and hotkeys even though I haven't played it in a few years. Was playing against some guys from the States this morning... I lost, but then again it was 3v4 (I was on the team of 3) and one my teammates was a newb I guess.
Gotta go, going to find some more people to battle online.
PS: Naathan, sorry about your C&C cds man. Will replace them for you. In the meantime, wanna join me in Starcraft? =D
21 eh? Finally, you're officially an adult! How's it feel girl? HAHA...
Okay, before you kill me, I just want to say that you really are one of the most awesome people
I know; you can cook, sing, write songs, make people happy, shoot zombies, turn violent... it's just awesome...
I am really very thankful to have you as one of my closest friends... Chilling together, hanging out, our 'lunch dates'... You really put a smile on my face everytime. And we both have awesomely similar problems that we talk about and it makes going through the day bearable. HAHA.. I sound emo....but yeah! =D
Just know that no matter what happens in life, and no matter where you go, you'll always have a freakishly tall friend somewhere behind you, always supporting you...
Psst: Click Here ----> http://greenteapple.blogspot.com/
The Beauty of Poly
Another Friday post, I should so make this a scheduled thing. I never blog enough, and even if I do, it’s always about something redundant, but to hell with that…
Today is the last day of Internship! WooHoo! It seems like freedom again. I like my workplace, don’t get me wrong, but working 8:30am to 6pm daily kinda gets to you. Plus you’re stuck at a desk, so you start to get restless. Thank God for my com and the Internet access or I would have DIED!
Haven’t met my classmates in 3 months… Exactly 3 months. The last time I saw them, we were stoned, tired and on our way home from Clarke Quay. Seeing them again would be fun, and we can start swapping stories about our internships.
Today also happens to be the last official day of my Poly… With the end of my internship, my Poly life comes to an end. Whenever I tell myself that, I get a mixture of feelings, happy and sad.
I’ve finished what I wanted to do, which was to get my Dip as well as a Spec Dip… I’ve made many new friends, I’ve enjoyed life, I’ve experienced many ups and many more downs, but I’ve pulled through just fine…
So why am I sad?
Cos I’ll be saying goodbye to the only constant in my life for the past 16 years… School.
As much as I hated some parts of school (exams, horrible teachers/lecturers) I loved most parts of it. Friends, hanging out, talking cock with some really amazing lecturers, playing around and learning new stuff in the studios, doing projects that stretched my mental and physical limits (Sleeping on your laptop keyboard is not advised) Going to town on Friday afternoons was always fun. It really gets you to wind down from a long week at school…
The real education in Poly does not come from your lectures or notes or from what you learn in projects… Its around you, from the people you spend time with and the lecturers who share their knowledge with you.
It’s the things you do everyday and the mistakes you make doing them that teach you the most…
That’s the beauty of Poly…
Today is the last day of Internship! WooHoo! It seems like freedom again. I like my workplace, don’t get me wrong, but working 8:30am to 6pm daily kinda gets to you. Plus you’re stuck at a desk, so you start to get restless. Thank God for my com and the Internet access or I would have DIED!
Haven’t met my classmates in 3 months… Exactly 3 months. The last time I saw them, we were stoned, tired and on our way home from Clarke Quay. Seeing them again would be fun, and we can start swapping stories about our internships.
Today also happens to be the last official day of my Poly… With the end of my internship, my Poly life comes to an end. Whenever I tell myself that, I get a mixture of feelings, happy and sad.
I’ve finished what I wanted to do, which was to get my Dip as well as a Spec Dip… I’ve made many new friends, I’ve enjoyed life, I’ve experienced many ups and many more downs, but I’ve pulled through just fine…
So why am I sad?
Cos I’ll be saying goodbye to the only constant in my life for the past 16 years… School.
As much as I hated some parts of school (exams, horrible teachers/lecturers) I loved most parts of it. Friends, hanging out, talking cock with some really amazing lecturers, playing around and learning new stuff in the studios, doing projects that stretched my mental and physical limits (Sleeping on your laptop keyboard is not advised) Going to town on Friday afternoons was always fun. It really gets you to wind down from a long week at school…
The real education in Poly does not come from your lectures or notes or from what you learn in projects… Its around you, from the people you spend time with and the lecturers who share their knowledge with you.
It’s the things you do everyday and the mistakes you make doing them that teach you the most…
That’s the beauty of Poly…
Valentines Day
Feb 14! Haha!
I really have nothing to say for Valentines. It was the same like any other Valentines...No special someone. No dates. Nothing,
It never bothers me though. I found that the fun of Valentines came from watching the mad rush for gifts and flowers at gift shops and shopping centres, watching the staff go crazy at overbooked restaurants and cafes and counting the crazy amount of color co-ordination that couples put into their dressing so that they could be a couple.
I applaud the militaristic planning that people put into surprising their loved ones, the extra special dinners and extra expensive gifts. I just never understood why they never did this on any of other 364 days...
What makes this day so special that everyone is going about doing stuff for one another but they forget about it on the other days. So today she is 'That One' and tomorrow 'she's just my girlfriend'... haix.
But I found out today that the real meaning of Valentine was not love...
But Hope, a bright star in the dark sky...something to look forward to. Something to tell you that no matter how bad your day has been, there is always that someone who will always love you. That you can have 364 days of non-stop fighting but on this one day, you can really enjoy each other's company, to take the time to tell each other how much you appreciate them.
All across the island, people are falling in love again, or falling in love for the first time. Cuddled in the arms of their loved ones, they stare at the moon or sea or stars, dreaming of the long beautiful road of love ahead.
A beautiful stranger on the train back home made me realize what I've been missing all along...
I really have nothing to say for Valentines. It was the same like any other Valentines...No special someone. No dates. Nothing,
It never bothers me though. I found that the fun of Valentines came from watching the mad rush for gifts and flowers at gift shops and shopping centres, watching the staff go crazy at overbooked restaurants and cafes and counting the crazy amount of color co-ordination that couples put into their dressing so that they could be a couple.
I applaud the militaristic planning that people put into surprising their loved ones, the extra special dinners and extra expensive gifts. I just never understood why they never did this on any of other 364 days...
What makes this day so special that everyone is going about doing stuff for one another but they forget about it on the other days. So today she is 'That One' and tomorrow 'she's just my girlfriend'... haix.
But I found out today that the real meaning of Valentine was not love...
But Hope, a bright star in the dark sky...something to look forward to. Something to tell you that no matter how bad your day has been, there is always that someone who will always love you. That you can have 364 days of non-stop fighting but on this one day, you can really enjoy each other's company, to take the time to tell each other how much you appreciate them.
All across the island, people are falling in love again, or falling in love for the first time. Cuddled in the arms of their loved ones, they stare at the moon or sea or stars, dreaming of the long beautiful road of love ahead.
A beautiful stranger on the train back home made me realize what I've been missing all along...
5 Days to PayDay...I think!
Its Friday again! Woots!
You gotta love Fridays
I seem to be doing Friday blogs quite often now. Don't blame me, Fridays put me in a good mood. And it looks slightly overcast outside my window so thats good. Rainy Friday nights...Perfect..
Listening to songs in the office while doing work. Doing quite a fair share of work. Annual Crime Stats Conference is on Monday and I have some things to settle in preparation of that. But other than that, just minding my own business. My side of the office is so quiet now cause a lot of people sitting around my cubicle have moved away to their new places as the office is undergoing renovations. So I get one half of the office to myself...Which is nice cause I enjoy the quiet. Nothing but the air-con humming and soft music seeping out of my speakers to fill my cubicle.
Been home a lot nowadays. Not that I am talking to my family a lot, its so-so. The only one who's talking to me properly would be my bro, and even then I just ask him how's school, ask him if he's having problems with his studies and his friends. He says he'k okay, so I just leave him at that.
I'm just waiting for a few things now:
But pay's in another 5 days, so until then....STARVE!
Lol. Not that bad actually. My workplace has unlimited supply of Milo. Welfare is good here, so there is always a cup of hot Milo on my table. That keeps me going through the day until I get real food at home. Got to finish up the attendance list for the media personnel before I go home. The guys are most likely going L4D2 later. I'll give it a pass I think...
Sighs... Gotta love Fridays
You gotta love Fridays
I seem to be doing Friday blogs quite often now. Don't blame me, Fridays put me in a good mood. And it looks slightly overcast outside my window so thats good. Rainy Friday nights...Perfect..
Listening to songs in the office while doing work. Doing quite a fair share of work. Annual Crime Stats Conference is on Monday and I have some things to settle in preparation of that. But other than that, just minding my own business. My side of the office is so quiet now cause a lot of people sitting around my cubicle have moved away to their new places as the office is undergoing renovations. So I get one half of the office to myself...Which is nice cause I enjoy the quiet. Nothing but the air-con humming and soft music seeping out of my speakers to fill my cubicle.
Been home a lot nowadays. Not that I am talking to my family a lot, its so-so. The only one who's talking to me properly would be my bro, and even then I just ask him how's school, ask him if he's having problems with his studies and his friends. He says he'k okay, so I just leave him at that.
I'm just waiting for a few things now:
- Internship to end
- Pay to come in
But pay's in another 5 days, so until then....STARVE!
Lol. Not that bad actually. My workplace has unlimited supply of Milo. Welfare is good here, so there is always a cup of hot Milo on my table. That keeps me going through the day until I get real food at home. Got to finish up the attendance list for the media personnel before I go home. The guys are most likely going L4D2 later. I'll give it a pass I think...
Sighs... Gotta love Fridays
My body is still aching. Can't turn around properly without feeling the strain in the ribs. Awesome shit. Sighs.
Its been a bit of a fruitful week at work. I got my share of the work done, although I did deviate a bit...Youtube was too seductive. But yeah, got my share of the work done, got praised by my superiors through email, but nonetheless its stll praises.
The AFT guys are playing L4D2 on a daily basis now. Its no longer "Hey you want to go down to play?" but more of "How long have you guys been there?" I swear to God i saw new hardward in the PCs at Netcorner... Looks like our contributions have been put to good use.
I think we have gone beyond the stages of having fun...Now we are addicted. What can you sy, its a fun game. But DOTA was fun too... But it wasn't so fun after you play it for 14 hours straight every day for 95 days. Thats addiction. And honestly, some AFTeens are msot likely already at that stage. Its just that they dont have the time to burn, but if they did, netcorner will be 24/7.
Moving on, I went for my VA couple of days ago. Same as CMPB, except they made me take physical tests too. I will know in 2 months time if I'm enlisted . If I am, good. If not then i can try for Guards. Either way, I'm jumping out of something airborne. I'm not going to get a desk job or a tech job in the Army. No way man! Fuck that. I'd rather eat roaches than sit in an office or workshop all day tinkering with reports and nuts. No offence to the engineers of the world, but I wasn't built to fix things. I just like to smash them.
Internship finishes in 2 weeks! Woots! Don't know what I'm going to do after that, but I'll find something. Probably find work that invovles me going outdoors ALOT. I've had my fill of office life for some time now, so I need a change of scene.
Anyways, a ball just dropped on my head. My supervisor is in the next cubicle talking to another MRO. I'd better publish this and get back to work.
Standing on two feet look at the world darling? That's nice... Just make sure you get better
Its been a bit of a fruitful week at work. I got my share of the work done, although I did deviate a bit...Youtube was too seductive. But yeah, got my share of the work done, got praised by my superiors through email, but nonetheless its stll praises.
The AFT guys are playing L4D2 on a daily basis now. Its no longer "Hey you want to go down to play?" but more of "How long have you guys been there?" I swear to God i saw new hardward in the PCs at Netcorner... Looks like our contributions have been put to good use.
I think we have gone beyond the stages of having fun...Now we are addicted. What can you sy, its a fun game. But DOTA was fun too... But it wasn't so fun after you play it for 14 hours straight every day for 95 days. Thats addiction. And honestly, some AFTeens are msot likely already at that stage. Its just that they dont have the time to burn, but if they did, netcorner will be 24/7.
Moving on, I went for my VA couple of days ago. Same as CMPB, except they made me take physical tests too. I will know in 2 months time if I'm enlisted . If I am, good. If not then i can try for Guards. Either way, I'm jumping out of something airborne. I'm not going to get a desk job or a tech job in the Army. No way man! Fuck that. I'd rather eat roaches than sit in an office or workshop all day tinkering with reports and nuts. No offence to the engineers of the world, but I wasn't built to fix things. I just like to smash them.
Internship finishes in 2 weeks! Woots! Don't know what I'm going to do after that, but I'll find something. Probably find work that invovles me going outdoors ALOT. I've had my fill of office life for some time now, so I need a change of scene.
Anyways, a ball just dropped on my head. My supervisor is in the next cubicle talking to another MRO. I'd better publish this and get back to work.
Standing on two feet look at the world darling? That's nice... Just make sure you get better
I've always wanted to know where the tradition of cutting cakes on a person's birthday came from. And why is it cakes? Can't we buy pizzas or a burger? And why do all cakes look the same?
Why am i asking this?
Cause I hate cake. More than seafood.
Yes I actually hate some food items. Hard to believe given my immense appetite (If you doubt this statement, then you've been majorly mis-informed). But I hate cake. The softness, the crumbly-ness... Just cake.
Now that I've gotten that out of my system, its my Dad's birthday today. Not that we did anything hoo-haa last night for him, just surprised him while he was sleeping with a cake and the usual happy birthday song (which by the way may I add, sounds like it was composed by somone with intelligence akin to a half-eaten millipede)
My relationship with my Dad nowadays is like using handphones to make IDD calls to India. You rarely get any signal, and when you do, you're shouting at the top of your lungs. But thats how its like. Everyday its just silent acknowledgement of each other's presence. Occasinally 9Once a week) he'll ask me if I've eaten. I'll ask him back the same question. We'll both say yes.
That's it.
We've filled our communication quota for the week.
This is what long-distnace relationships with your parents does to you. After a year of being seperated, I find it hard to connect with him on any level. I know he loves, I know I love him. But communication is dead.
Its not uncomfortable for me. I dont see it as a problem. I've already outgrown my need to depend on on a fatherly figure. I don't know if he sees it as a problem. I hope he doesn't. I barely have time for anyone else.
But there are some times when we feel connected, or our communication breaks the usual quota of a few words. Last night, when I told him the news, he was more than happy. We talked about it while they ate cake. It was good to be able to connect with him on some level. Maybe today I'll talk to him a bit more, find out how's work and everything.
Just maybe...
Why am i asking this?
Cause I hate cake. More than seafood.
Yes I actually hate some food items. Hard to believe given my immense appetite (If you doubt this statement, then you've been majorly mis-informed). But I hate cake. The softness, the crumbly-ness... Just cake.
Now that I've gotten that out of my system, its my Dad's birthday today. Not that we did anything hoo-haa last night for him, just surprised him while he was sleeping with a cake and the usual happy birthday song (which by the way may I add, sounds like it was composed by somone with intelligence akin to a half-eaten millipede)
My relationship with my Dad nowadays is like using handphones to make IDD calls to India. You rarely get any signal, and when you do, you're shouting at the top of your lungs. But thats how its like. Everyday its just silent acknowledgement of each other's presence. Occasinally 9Once a week) he'll ask me if I've eaten. I'll ask him back the same question. We'll both say yes.
That's it.
We've filled our communication quota for the week.
This is what long-distnace relationships with your parents does to you. After a year of being seperated, I find it hard to connect with him on any level. I know he loves, I know I love him. But communication is dead.
Its not uncomfortable for me. I dont see it as a problem. I've already outgrown my need to depend on on a fatherly figure. I don't know if he sees it as a problem. I hope he doesn't. I barely have time for anyone else.
But there are some times when we feel connected, or our communication breaks the usual quota of a few words. Last night, when I told him the news, he was more than happy. We talked about it while they ate cake. It was good to be able to connect with him on some level. Maybe today I'll talk to him a bit more, find out how's work and everything.
Just maybe...
Back to Work
Monday again. Why are weekends getting shorter and shorter? Im actually missing school. Learning new things on a daily basis is much more fun and challenging. Not that work is boring or anything; I discover interesting things daily, especially in morning panels, but life here CAN get routine after a while. Typing out reports for prolonged periods of time is not exactly fun, but hey I'm just an intern. It's my job to be a SKW.
Peter Pan auditions just finished, and I'm actually happy with the fact that we saw new fresh faces. Quite a fair bit of new people. Don't bother about the fact that we didn't manage to fill up all the roles in the Cast and Crew; be happy that we actually managed to fill some up.
Fluk! I sneezed so hard I banged my head into the keyboard.... Yes I typed Fluk! Still trying to keep my profanity levels to a bare minimum, even in the cyber world (yeah right)
Should be getting back to work now, lots of reports to type... Haix... I hate Mondays.
Maybe you're right about what you said... But then again maybe you're wrong... I hope you're wrong...
Peter Pan auditions just finished, and I'm actually happy with the fact that we saw new fresh faces. Quite a fair bit of new people. Don't bother about the fact that we didn't manage to fill up all the roles in the Cast and Crew; be happy that we actually managed to fill some up.
Fluk! I sneezed so hard I banged my head into the keyboard.... Yes I typed Fluk! Still trying to keep my profanity levels to a bare minimum, even in the cyber world (yeah right)
Should be getting back to work now, lots of reports to type... Haix... I hate Mondays.
Maybe you're right about what you said... But then again maybe you're wrong... I hope you're wrong...
To the Girl Crying in the Mirror
You and I have never talked in God knows how long. Its been months I should think, maybe even a year. I dont know why we stopped. Maybe its because we had our own circle of friends, or that things happened between us that only time could heal, but i want you to know I'll be here for you...As a friend.
To make you laugh when all you feel like doing is crying...
To make you smile when everyone else is frowning...
To wash it away when it everything hurts
I don't know how, or why or what happened... But just know that if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.
Even if you cant see me, I'm always here.
To make you laugh when all you feel like doing is crying...
To make you smile when everyone else is frowning...
To wash it away when it everything hurts
I don't know how, or why or what happened... But just know that if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.
Even if you cant see me, I'm always here.
9 1/2 Hours
Weekend's here! Woots!
And that means 2 days of fun and relaxation. Actually no, Peter Pan Auditions on Sunday, and a lot of prep work lined up over the weekend.
Office is quiet cos everyone is out on their way to some CNA thingy, but I have some work to do in office. Life sucks? Not really. I can lay off a bit when no one else is around, plus there is something relaxing about having the sunlight stream through you window and you can look out at the city skyline from your the comfort of your seat while playing songs out of your speakers... Calming really.
But 9 and a half hours of not-much-to-do and Internet access does eventually get to you, as demonstrated below:
And that means 2 days of fun and relaxation. Actually no, Peter Pan Auditions on Sunday, and a lot of prep work lined up over the weekend.
Office is quiet cos everyone is out on their way to some CNA thingy, but I have some work to do in office. Life sucks? Not really. I can lay off a bit when no one else is around, plus there is something relaxing about having the sunlight stream through you window and you can look out at the city skyline from your the comfort of your seat while playing songs out of your speakers... Calming really.
But 9 and a half hours of not-much-to-do and Internet access does eventually get to you, as demonstrated below:
They're good
Oh wow....
Now I know why we dont take terrorists seriously
It has finally happened...
This is really one of the most hilarious vids I've seen. Its old, probably fake, but you can help but chuckle:
2 Sides of the Coin
I find myself to be amusing. Not saying I'm funny, but for once, I want to grab a Jumbo hotdog and a large Coke and just sit down and watch myself for a day and see how i get on with Life.
One day i wake to find my table filled with notes and to-do lists and emails in my inbox and lots work piling up outside my door, and I actually sit down and try to do it, well, I've been trying to do that for the past few weeks. One part of me wants to grow up and out of the loud, nosiy me to something less loud and noisy.
Then there's the other part of me that wants to scream in the middle of the office, get a tattoo and go create trouble and wreack havoc. Im not a troublemaker, but there are times when I have done stupid things on purpose with the intentention of creating trouble, or attracting attention.
I have to find a balance between the two, which to me will be the amusing part. While my two sides try to figure out the solution, Im jsut gonna chillax with my all time favourite song:
One day i wake to find my table filled with notes and to-do lists and emails in my inbox and lots work piling up outside my door, and I actually sit down and try to do it, well, I've been trying to do that for the past few weeks. One part of me wants to grow up and out of the loud, nosiy me to something less loud and noisy.
Then there's the other part of me that wants to scream in the middle of the office, get a tattoo and go create trouble and wreack havoc. Im not a troublemaker, but there are times when I have done stupid things on purpose with the intentention of creating trouble, or attracting attention.
I have to find a balance between the two, which to me will be the amusing part. While my two sides try to figure out the solution, Im jsut gonna chillax with my all time favourite song:
So Passes a Decade..
I wrote this on New's year's Day itself, thought I'd publish it now.
Well, a new year is here. Most people are out, reveling in the this major holiday. Many are making new resolutions, others promising to fulfill their resollutions of last year. But I'm at home, in front of my laptop.
Ok, fine. Not a word I'd associate with myself. i do stupid things first then ask why I cant do it, but for once I'm actually just sitting down calmly (The Cult is blasting off my speakers...) and thinking of life (While my brother is scremaing for me to turn the speakers down).
2010...It's not just a New Year.
It's the start of a new decade, and that to me has more impact than anything else... It marks the start of my second decade of my life... Epic shit yeah i know..
Lets recap what Happened this Decade, starting from the start..
- Marked the New Millenia which i spent at my Grandma's house with all my cousin... Can still remember the party and the love we all had for each other, before everything went to shit.
- My first Drama performance ever. I played a tribal dude out to find his palce in the world... Can remeber the last minute practice at Priya's house.
- My first Dance performance. It was to an indian song, Don't judge me. but it was nice.
- Skipped countless lessons and after-school classes to hang with Satish and Loges... Those were nice days.
- PSLE Year. Crazy and boring at the same time. Got shouted at almost every single day cos I couldn't be bothered to do homework. Teacher said I would enver make it...Got 244 points... Suck my dick bitch.
- Sec 1! Caught the Trading Card fever, stoel money from Dad's wallet to buy cards for my bro and me.
- Got caught for trying to climb into a classroom cos our God-dammned key-holder was missing. Sorry Shaam...Got you involved...
- Shaam, Azrin, Azhar and me tried our hand at a class newspaper...Failed after edition 2... Oh well, we had fun with Daniel's 'downpayment' which by the way we never returned... Loser.
- Watched a movie with the guys...My first movie with friends. Can't remember the movie though...But that was good.
- Sec 3, joined drama club. Time of my life... All the stupid thigns we did. Not jsut in drama club. Outside of school (Remember Yishun Sec Sl**?) This was also the eyar when SIndhu found out I crushed on her...Embarassing
- Defaced the backstage of AI's hall with anarchy signs and 'F*** You!' messages. Climbed up into the flybars and hang upside-down from the bars 20 feet off the stage... Emptied all the fire-extinguishers into the hall... Everyone was wondering how come the hall was so dusty? yeah that was us. Got caught and were caned... Not so bad...
-Sec 4... 1st girlfriend, 1st breakup, 1st patch back... O'levels and other stuff too. Pretty decent year, not counting the number of times we tried to drive off our geo teacher.
- Poly life starts... 1st sem was awesome. Met new people, new friends, new campus, new place... 2nd sem started with major let-downs... Break-up the night before. But fuck that...
- Year 2 was full of life-changing moments... 1st sem started with me deciding that I needed to change my life. Joined SDZ, Cinderella: Revamped!, dropped out of SDZ, major emo moment towards the end of the year, finally got over her when in India...
-Year 3, new home. Final year Projects and AFT starts... Clash of the schedules, but pulled through.
- MJ passes away. (If this isn't epic enough, God Knows what else)
- Start of Peter Pan: Revamped.
- End of the Decade...
It was a good decade. I want to see if I can make the next better...
As I publish this from my com at work, I look out the window at the sunny sky with Hinder screaming in my ears, I wonder what the next decade has in store for us...
Well, a new year is here. Most people are out, reveling in the this major holiday. Many are making new resolutions, others promising to fulfill their resollutions of last year. But I'm at home, in front of my laptop.
Ok, fine. Not a word I'd associate with myself. i do stupid things first then ask why I cant do it, but for once I'm actually just sitting down calmly (The Cult is blasting off my speakers...) and thinking of life (While my brother is scremaing for me to turn the speakers down).
2010...It's not just a New Year.
It's the start of a new decade, and that to me has more impact than anything else... It marks the start of my second decade of my life... Epic shit yeah i know..
Lets recap what Happened this Decade, starting from the start..
- Marked the New Millenia which i spent at my Grandma's house with all my cousin... Can still remember the party and the love we all had for each other, before everything went to shit.
- My first Drama performance ever. I played a tribal dude out to find his palce in the world... Can remeber the last minute practice at Priya's house.
- My first Dance performance. It was to an indian song, Don't judge me. but it was nice.
- Skipped countless lessons and after-school classes to hang with Satish and Loges... Those were nice days.
- PSLE Year. Crazy and boring at the same time. Got shouted at almost every single day cos I couldn't be bothered to do homework. Teacher said I would enver make it...Got 244 points... Suck my dick bitch.
- Sec 1! Caught the Trading Card fever, stoel money from Dad's wallet to buy cards for my bro and me.
- Got caught for trying to climb into a classroom cos our God-dammned key-holder was missing. Sorry Shaam...Got you involved...
- Shaam, Azrin, Azhar and me tried our hand at a class newspaper...Failed after edition 2... Oh well, we had fun with Daniel's 'downpayment' which by the way we never returned... Loser.
- Watched a movie with the guys...My first movie with friends. Can't remember the movie though...But that was good.
- Sec 3, joined drama club. Time of my life... All the stupid thigns we did. Not jsut in drama club. Outside of school (Remember Yishun Sec Sl**?) This was also the eyar when SIndhu found out I crushed on her...Embarassing
- Defaced the backstage of AI's hall with anarchy signs and 'F*** You!' messages. Climbed up into the flybars and hang upside-down from the bars 20 feet off the stage... Emptied all the fire-extinguishers into the hall... Everyone was wondering how come the hall was so dusty? yeah that was us. Got caught and were caned... Not so bad...
-Sec 4... 1st girlfriend, 1st breakup, 1st patch back... O'levels and other stuff too. Pretty decent year, not counting the number of times we tried to drive off our geo teacher.
- Poly life starts... 1st sem was awesome. Met new people, new friends, new campus, new place... 2nd sem started with major let-downs... Break-up the night before. But fuck that...
- Year 2 was full of life-changing moments... 1st sem started with me deciding that I needed to change my life. Joined SDZ, Cinderella: Revamped!, dropped out of SDZ, major emo moment towards the end of the year, finally got over her when in India...
-Year 3, new home. Final year Projects and AFT starts... Clash of the schedules, but pulled through.
- MJ passes away. (If this isn't epic enough, God Knows what else)
- Start of Peter Pan: Revamped.
- End of the Decade...
It was a good decade. I want to see if I can make the next better...
As I publish this from my com at work, I look out the window at the sunny sky with Hinder screaming in my ears, I wonder what the next decade has in store for us...
Usher into the New year of Madness
So its been a while...
Understatement of the Year...
And the year is only 6 days old now! Not even a week!
Countdown performance was GREAT! (I'll hereby reserve the word AWESOME for really cool stuff) Me, Kanitha, Isabelle, Colin and Jason managed to chunk together body movements and put a good dance performance.
But the really AWESOME stuff is that some of us have been infected with L4D2 virus and cant seem to get enough of it! Almost every toher day we are at some Indian lan gaming centre (dont ask dont tell) blowing off undead heads and screaming at each other...
By the way...
To whoever keeps lighting us on fire by throwing badly-aimed molotov cocktails...
If I find out who you are, I'll kill your ass with friendly fire...
Cant really think right now. I have a swollen eyelid the size of mothball and im blogging from work. Com's down again so I have to wait for tech to set it up for me before I can finsih my work. I'll go home early i think... Cant see out my left eye right now.
Why having a swollen eyelid is fun:
Understatement of the Year...
And the year is only 6 days old now! Not even a week!
Countdown performance was GREAT! (I'll hereby reserve the word AWESOME for really cool stuff) Me, Kanitha, Isabelle, Colin and Jason managed to chunk together body movements and put a good dance performance.
But the really AWESOME stuff is that some of us have been infected with L4D2 virus and cant seem to get enough of it! Almost every toher day we are at some Indian lan gaming centre (dont ask dont tell) blowing off undead heads and screaming at each other...
By the way...
To whoever keeps lighting us on fire by throwing badly-aimed molotov cocktails...
If I find out who you are, I'll kill your ass with friendly fire...
Cant really think right now. I have a swollen eyelid the size of mothball and im blogging from work. Com's down again so I have to wait for tech to set it up for me before I can finsih my work. I'll go home early i think... Cant see out my left eye right now.
Why having a swollen eyelid is fun:
- You can wear a sunglass and NO ONE CAN SAY SHIT TO YOU!!!
- Looking at the world through one eye kinda makes it entertainingly scary cos you never know when someone comes up on you from one side...
- The look on that kid's face this morning when I took off the sunglasses...Priceless...
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