
The Best Night of my Life

Thursday night has got to be the best night of my life so far.

Cos that night was my last night as a student...

It was the last day of school, and sadly for some us, probably the last day of school for the rest of our lives. I have to say that as much as i despised the homework (There rarely was any thank god) I loved school for one simple fact.


These lovable idiots and goons are the reason school is so fun, and honestly, I'm gonna miss you guys.

3 years have passed very very quickly, and now we are all going to go out into the real world. How scary is that right?

Graduation Dinner was fun. Me and Gerald kept picking on each other for not eating the 'correct' way. I still dont know which plate was mine... Fuck that!.

The drive after dinner was good. Dioni, just wanna say you are a really good teacher and I had fun hanging out with you in class. I wont call it class, I'll call it hanging out. And I just want to say one more thing... You my bitch...

Made it to Clarke Quay just as everyone else got there. We walked around before heading over to Forbidden City Bar/Cub/Restaurant I dont know what. But the place was cool. Very Oriental... God bless Dioni for his 100 hundred dollars worth of whiskey and liquor that we all downed in 15 minutes. The music was good, we were high and happy, sentiments were kicking in, Gerald was already vibrating on the dance floor so we got moving.

I have never danced this long in my life and by the end, I didn't even feel close to tired.

We completely owned the dance floorthat night. We were the only ones on it, save for a few white guys who rolled around on the floor thinking it was Bboying, but other than that it was AWESOME!

The pics are up on my Facebook, so check out the craziness there.

After that came the hardest part... Parting at the bus-stop. We knew the next time we saw each other, we would be working adults. But hey, DMC/01 will always be DMC/01.

No matter the differences, I'm glad we actually stuck together til the end, never mind the cliques.

As for my brothers:

Lets keep our pact and meet up every Friday for the period of our internship. Cos after that, its the real world.

I'm gonna miss you idiots cos you dudes are the craziest, funniest and sometimes the lamest bunch of friends I've ever had and for that I want to thank you.

Thank for de-sensitizing me to racist jokes
Thanks for all the lame moments that were just so hilarious later on
Thanks for the memories, all the 1 1/2 hour journeys to far off restaurants that were closed
Thanks for bringing me to chinese restaurants where I was the only dark-skinned dude,

Maybe Bernard was right.

We've bonded so well together that we didn't realize what we have become...

A Wolf pack... Oddly...

After internship, road trip?

Mr YoJi, DMC/01 Forever...


The Clash of CGI Titans

railer from an upcoming movie called Clash of the Titans.

The trailer is pretty cool and this movie holds the promise of being a blockbuster... But I have to say their tagline is a bit...duh... Lol. Check it out:


The Rules of Networking

Today was an interesting, educational day.

Thana, Saras and Me had the chance to go for a networking session at the Asian Civillization Musuem. The networking session was for community members (meaning CCs etc) and performers and artistes to come together and network in the hopes that this will lead to a future collaboration for an arts related project. This is part of National Arts Council's plans to promote their 'Arts for All' message.

But we learned some things the hard way.

Here are some ground rules when you go for a networking session:

Rule #1

Business Cards and Company Booklet

Nothing is more important for networking and making new contacts than a Name Card.

Even a paper with a number and name would suffice. But the three of us had neither.

So while people were giving us name cards and telling us about their company, we were just smiling and nodding our heads, assuring them that we will get back to them about a future collaboration by contacting them.

Not a very good impression I must tell you.

While Thana and Saras were talking to the people, I observed the rest of the room and realized that everyone had either a name card or a company booklet in their hands. Most had both. These people were prepared to network, to make contacts, with their contact details on a professional looking piece of disappearing-rainforest-turned-into-paper.

Quite a few had a booklet to hand out, explaining their company's aims and listing their achievements.

Lesson: Print AFT Name cards and a booklet with our achievements and aims in it.

Rule # 2

Knowing how to explain our company in 10 words or less

When talking to a representative of a reputable organization, its not nice to have to explain for ten minutes what AFT does. I think thats the problem of being so diverse.

People expect an Arts company to have a niche and are so used to that fact that when another company comes along and says 'Hey! We do Musicals on Tuesdays, Graffiti Walls on Thursdays, Fashion Shows to save Earth on Fridays and throw Halloween Haunted Houses every other Saturday', they literally have to undo every screw in their mind and rebuild their brains to accept THAT fact. We have Tweaked Reality THAT much...

After a while Thana stopped trying and Saras decided to stick to just saying we do musicals with 'other Arts related programs on the side'.

Lesson: We need to gist what our company does into 15 words or less to teach to our AFTeens so that they dont stumble around like we did.

I've a suggestion: You won't understand how really talented we are until you sponsor us.

There!12 words and I have a sponsorship proposal, company explanation and desperation rolled into one.

Rule # 3

Make it clear from the start that we are NOT YEC

Some of you are already saying, 'Phft! Thats so easy. Just tell them we're not from YEC'.

AH! That's what we thought. Guess what happened. Saras and Thana found themselves breaking down AFT and YEC to a NAC official for ten minutes. That woman was one poor, helpless, lost soul...

Guys, I still don't think she got it.

Lesson: When you meet someone who asks you what is AFT about, just remember to never include the word YEC in anything you say, cause people love to mix things up.

Rule #4

Make sure People know where you're from

"Hi, we're from Jelutung CC " 

"I'm sorry, where?"

Lesson: Bring a Map

Rule #5 (And the most important one)

Never put us in front of a bowl of Peanuts

Cause then you have idiots like me digging through nuts with a peanut just to get to the ones I want to eat.

Then after ten minutes, you find my hand running an express highway service from peanut bowl to my mouth.


But on the overall, I believe we made some impressions, if very confusing ones. We ARE Tweak Reality, Twist Imagination. But that aside, I learnt a lot by watching and observing.

I learnt that in networking, you've got to swallow your guts/balls/ovaries and jump right in and go 'Hey. Hi! That was BLOODY good performance! Can we have your contact? We'll love to collaborate with you!'.

It's like taking a leap of faith into the unknown.

Cause sometimes, that's all it takes for a beautiful relationship to start.

If you don't believe me, just look at AFT...


And those are the Rules of Networking.

Mr YoJi

My Hundredth Post

As the title says, this would be my hundredth post. I wanted to blog about something else but I realized I'll give significance to this post seeing as I actually made it this far.

Amazing how far this blog has come. Like I said in my previous posts, this single blog has undergone theme changes, url changes, even personality changes. Seen me through up and followed me bitterly to the down down downs.

When people first start blogging, its new to them. Most people, if not al don't know what to blog about, what to say, how to say it etc. I felt that way at the start and had doubts about if I would make it this far, but I'm glad I did. One day. I'll just sit down and read all the posts I ever wrote. A nice trip back in time... Our own little time capsules.

My first post was all the way back in May last year.

Wow. Around the time I got into Cinderella Revamped. Epic.

Well, all I can hope for now is that the next 100 posts see me through more eye-opening experiences and more self-discovery trips.

Signing off for the hundredth time,
Mr YoJi


I got into the Mood of Revamping

Call me Narcissistic, but I love the way I've just Revamped my personal blog.

New Layout, New Direction.

No more emo Stuff. (I'm going to keep to that 2 year No PMS Rule)

I spent the whole day, in school and at home, working out the details of the blog. Mind you the header took up 60% of the day, and not cause it was hard to design.

Blogger would not accept it. Eventually, I tweaked the codes and got it up so kudos to me.

Anyways, now that the blog is up and bled of its emo-ness, I can start anew.

Funny. I'm only 5 more posts away from hitting my 100 post mark. Amazing I made it this far, considering the fact that this blog had undergone 4-5 name/URL changes as well as countless layout tweaks.

But I finally found something I like, that's simple, funky and so ME! (Yep. That was meant to be Narcissistic)

Is the World really going to end in 2012?

The much awaited disaster movie, '2012' is released tomorrow in theaters and already the forums are buzzing with reviews, critics and just general bullshit about what the movie portrays.

I must say that my most favorite movie poster for this year is this:

It gives a very strong message. Even those seeking refuge from God will only find death. It's a powerful message that I believe all of us must understand; that in the final hours, we are on our own.

Some people might believe the movie and the rumors that the world will end when the Mayan calendars end. Most will scoff at that idea.

But what the movie is trying to tell is that we live in a world in danger, and we are the ones tasked with saving it.

This is a link the an article published barely 2 hours ago: Philippines' Mayon volcano spews ash, could ERUPT

Maybe some Hollywood movies are not so far off...


The Evolution of Man

For the past few weeks, I've been exposed to social media and how's it changing the world, from giving normal people to power to influence thoughts to major multinational companies running their entire campaigns online.

I have to say after a few weeks of being exposed to hundreds of articles, I am starting to agree with the picture above. Something DID go terribly wrong somewhere.

Just take a look at Facebook.


Log in at 12 AM in the morning and you'll see almost all of your friends online. From commenting on Photos to Posting on each others' walls. Its gotten to the point where we have joined a Facebook group to ban one of our friends from Facebook.

Facebook only came 2 years ago, and in that short time, it has made it's way into our lives, slept in our beds, taken control and dominated us. And we have let it dominate us.

So dependent have we become on our online portals that now we cannot go a day without plugging in. Even if you say you can go a day without plugging in, you can't deny that if there is something interesting like a funny picture or video on Facebook, you log on the moment you get your hands on a computer and you'll most likely end up logged on for a few hours.

Its not just Facebook. It's everywhere else too. From emails to photos, everything has been moved online. I am sad to admit that my entire photo collection is stored on some server far away with a Facebook logo on it.

Our reliance on the Internet grows day by day. Everything from online transactions to socialization is being moved to some server where the rest of us can be plugged in.

In the Matrix Trilogy, humans were enslaved by the computers and machines and were used as power sources. Right now, we seem to be plugging ourselves in, whether we want it or not.

Are we enslaving ourselves to technology? Maybe. Is technology fast becoming an indispensable part of our lives?


Just take a moment to think about this. Maybe the next time you log in to some website or social networking site, you might realize the kind of enslavement we are subjecting ourselves to.



It's a quiet afternoon and Im sitting here in Yishun Library.

Why'd I come here?

So that I can isolate myself and finish the script for our next musical.

Is it helping?

What do you think?

Anyways, I was surfing the net, looking up random videos when I saw this. Its fake, but you got to admit that this is hilarious. Maybe we'll try this out on one of our friends someday. =D


Gender War...

I haven't posted in a long while, so I'd thought I'd start with a really interseting topic that has been going on for quite some time.

I was sitting around talking with some friends when the age-old argument of who is the better sex came up. I chose to listen cause I found it interesting to see both sides whack it out.

I'm no sexist. I have never actively believed that men should be more dominant. But I never believed it should be the women too. I always belief there should be a healthy balance of control between both parties.

But from the way the conversation was going, both sides were adamant about their superiority. None would want to give in.

It was then that I realised that if I was to pick an answer to the question of who is the better sex... I have to say women.

Not that there are no strong men out there, its just that there are too many pussy males walking around, unable to fend for themselves, that men get labelled as the weaker sex.

Lets list down why I think women are the better sex:

1. They dont have an obscene amount of ego like guys.

Guys have ego. Every guy. Even the nerds think their good at something. But its ok to have pride in your skills... Its like petrol; you need it to fuel you. But too much of it and you are sitting on a liquid petroleum bomb. Ego is what prevents a guy form asking for directions, or help, or just asking something. We are too obsessed with being right, that we forgot about being efficient and productive and useful and not a jerk.

But does that mean you have to kick your ego out the door? No. It just means that you really have to know what you're doing. But remember that sometimes, asking for help and curbing your ego abit helps prevent embarassing situations later.

2. Girls dont have the disadvantage of thinking with their dicks.

Guys have dicks. Its in every straight guys' nature to want to fuck. You cant help it. Thats evolution for you. But girls, being the emotionally complex creatures they are, have no problem keeping their sexual energies out of the equation. They can focus on the task at hand without being distracted while her male colleagues stare at her assets and fall way behind. I might be stereotyping here, but you cant rule out the fact that most girls can get a guy to do work for them with a sweet smile and a bit of flirting.

Its not immoral, and honestly, I have to hand it to you girls for actually mastering that art. Unfortunately, guys dont have much of a defense against that attack. You have to be focused too, and not on her assets damnnit!

3. Girls can multi-task better than guys.

Contrary to annoyingly popular beliefs, guys CAN multi-task. It's just that girls are better at it. But its not something we cant do. It's just that girls are wired much better than guys and they can keep ytrack of everything much better than guys. What does this mean for men? Pay attention and work on your multi-tasking skills. It's going to be hard, but if a man can eat a sandwhich, play Halo and watch a movie, I'm sure he can do much more productive stuff.

The list can go on and on... But that does not mean that men are doomed to be enslaved to the female prowess. Men and women have their strengths and weaknesses. Both need each other; that's how we're born. It's just that guys have grown complacent over the years and their oversized ego has gotten in the way of their judgement and that has lead to our eventual downfall form the sides of our female companions.

But most guys will never get it... Their too stubbornly egoistic.

In my defense, I have to say that there are true men out there... It's just that they are an endangered species.... It's either we change ourselves, or we become the true weaker sex.

I wrote this in a state of partial comatose so forgive my lack of a structure and grammatical errors and so on ....

Im going to turn in for the night.

Ps: The argument is still going on in MSN...