
Cute Kid!

Im not a kid lover...

BUT seriously, how can you say this is NOT cute??


The Best Night of my Life

Thursday night has got to be the best night of my life so far.

Cos that night was my last night as a student...

It was the last day of school, and sadly for some us, probably the last day of school for the rest of our lives. I have to say that as much as i despised the homework (There rarely was any thank god) I loved school for one simple fact.


These lovable idiots and goons are the reason school is so fun, and honestly, I'm gonna miss you guys.

3 years have passed very very quickly, and now we are all going to go out into the real world. How scary is that right?

Graduation Dinner was fun. Me and Gerald kept picking on each other for not eating the 'correct' way. I still dont know which plate was mine... Fuck that!.

The drive after dinner was good. Dioni, just wanna say you are a really good teacher and I had fun hanging out with you in class. I wont call it class, I'll call it hanging out. And I just want to say one more thing... You my bitch...

Made it to Clarke Quay just as everyone else got there. We walked around before heading over to Forbidden City Bar/Cub/Restaurant I dont know what. But the place was cool. Very Oriental... God bless Dioni for his 100 hundred dollars worth of whiskey and liquor that we all downed in 15 minutes. The music was good, we were high and happy, sentiments were kicking in, Gerald was already vibrating on the dance floor so we got moving.

I have never danced this long in my life and by the end, I didn't even feel close to tired.

We completely owned the dance floorthat night. We were the only ones on it, save for a few white guys who rolled around on the floor thinking it was Bboying, but other than that it was AWESOME!

The pics are up on my Facebook, so check out the craziness there.

After that came the hardest part... Parting at the bus-stop. We knew the next time we saw each other, we would be working adults. But hey, DMC/01 will always be DMC/01.

No matter the differences, I'm glad we actually stuck together til the end, never mind the cliques.

As for my brothers:

Lets keep our pact and meet up every Friday for the period of our internship. Cos after that, its the real world.

I'm gonna miss you idiots cos you dudes are the craziest, funniest and sometimes the lamest bunch of friends I've ever had and for that I want to thank you.

Thank for de-sensitizing me to racist jokes
Thanks for all the lame moments that were just so hilarious later on
Thanks for the memories, all the 1 1/2 hour journeys to far off restaurants that were closed
Thanks for bringing me to chinese restaurants where I was the only dark-skinned dude,

Maybe Bernard was right.

We've bonded so well together that we didn't realize what we have become...

A Wolf pack... Oddly...

After internship, road trip?

Mr YoJi, DMC/01 Forever...


The Clash of CGI Titans

railer from an upcoming movie called Clash of the Titans.

The trailer is pretty cool and this movie holds the promise of being a blockbuster... But I have to say their tagline is a bit...duh... Lol. Check it out:


The Rules of Networking

Today was an interesting, educational day.

Thana, Saras and Me had the chance to go for a networking session at the Asian Civillization Musuem. The networking session was for community members (meaning CCs etc) and performers and artistes to come together and network in the hopes that this will lead to a future collaboration for an arts related project. This is part of National Arts Council's plans to promote their 'Arts for All' message.

But we learned some things the hard way.

Here are some ground rules when you go for a networking session:

Rule #1

Business Cards and Company Booklet

Nothing is more important for networking and making new contacts than a Name Card.

Even a paper with a number and name would suffice. But the three of us had neither.

So while people were giving us name cards and telling us about their company, we were just smiling and nodding our heads, assuring them that we will get back to them about a future collaboration by contacting them.

Not a very good impression I must tell you.

While Thana and Saras were talking to the people, I observed the rest of the room and realized that everyone had either a name card or a company booklet in their hands. Most had both. These people were prepared to network, to make contacts, with their contact details on a professional looking piece of disappearing-rainforest-turned-into-paper.

Quite a few had a booklet to hand out, explaining their company's aims and listing their achievements.

Lesson: Print AFT Name cards and a booklet with our achievements and aims in it.

Rule # 2

Knowing how to explain our company in 10 words or less

When talking to a representative of a reputable organization, its not nice to have to explain for ten minutes what AFT does. I think thats the problem of being so diverse.

People expect an Arts company to have a niche and are so used to that fact that when another company comes along and says 'Hey! We do Musicals on Tuesdays, Graffiti Walls on Thursdays, Fashion Shows to save Earth on Fridays and throw Halloween Haunted Houses every other Saturday', they literally have to undo every screw in their mind and rebuild their brains to accept THAT fact. We have Tweaked Reality THAT much...

After a while Thana stopped trying and Saras decided to stick to just saying we do musicals with 'other Arts related programs on the side'.

Lesson: We need to gist what our company does into 15 words or less to teach to our AFTeens so that they dont stumble around like we did.

I've a suggestion: You won't understand how really talented we are until you sponsor us.

There!12 words and I have a sponsorship proposal, company explanation and desperation rolled into one.

Rule # 3

Make it clear from the start that we are NOT YEC

Some of you are already saying, 'Phft! Thats so easy. Just tell them we're not from YEC'.

AH! That's what we thought. Guess what happened. Saras and Thana found themselves breaking down AFT and YEC to a NAC official for ten minutes. That woman was one poor, helpless, lost soul...

Guys, I still don't think she got it.

Lesson: When you meet someone who asks you what is AFT about, just remember to never include the word YEC in anything you say, cause people love to mix things up.

Rule #4

Make sure People know where you're from

"Hi, we're from Jelutung CC " 

"I'm sorry, where?"

Lesson: Bring a Map

Rule #5 (And the most important one)

Never put us in front of a bowl of Peanuts

Cause then you have idiots like me digging through nuts with a peanut just to get to the ones I want to eat.

Then after ten minutes, you find my hand running an express highway service from peanut bowl to my mouth.


But on the overall, I believe we made some impressions, if very confusing ones. We ARE Tweak Reality, Twist Imagination. But that aside, I learnt a lot by watching and observing.

I learnt that in networking, you've got to swallow your guts/balls/ovaries and jump right in and go 'Hey. Hi! That was BLOODY good performance! Can we have your contact? We'll love to collaborate with you!'.

It's like taking a leap of faith into the unknown.

Cause sometimes, that's all it takes for a beautiful relationship to start.

If you don't believe me, just look at AFT...


And those are the Rules of Networking.

Mr YoJi

My Hundredth Post

As the title says, this would be my hundredth post. I wanted to blog about something else but I realized I'll give significance to this post seeing as I actually made it this far.

Amazing how far this blog has come. Like I said in my previous posts, this single blog has undergone theme changes, url changes, even personality changes. Seen me through up and followed me bitterly to the down down downs.

When people first start blogging, its new to them. Most people, if not al don't know what to blog about, what to say, how to say it etc. I felt that way at the start and had doubts about if I would make it this far, but I'm glad I did. One day. I'll just sit down and read all the posts I ever wrote. A nice trip back in time... Our own little time capsules.

My first post was all the way back in May last year.

Wow. Around the time I got into Cinderella Revamped. Epic.

Well, all I can hope for now is that the next 100 posts see me through more eye-opening experiences and more self-discovery trips.

Signing off for the hundredth time,
Mr YoJi


I got into the Mood of Revamping

Call me Narcissistic, but I love the way I've just Revamped my personal blog.

New Layout, New Direction.

No more emo Stuff. (I'm going to keep to that 2 year No PMS Rule)

I spent the whole day, in school and at home, working out the details of the blog. Mind you the header took up 60% of the day, and not cause it was hard to design.

Blogger would not accept it. Eventually, I tweaked the codes and got it up so kudos to me.

Anyways, now that the blog is up and bled of its emo-ness, I can start anew.

Funny. I'm only 5 more posts away from hitting my 100 post mark. Amazing I made it this far, considering the fact that this blog had undergone 4-5 name/URL changes as well as countless layout tweaks.

But I finally found something I like, that's simple, funky and so ME! (Yep. That was meant to be Narcissistic)

Is the World really going to end in 2012?

The much awaited disaster movie, '2012' is released tomorrow in theaters and already the forums are buzzing with reviews, critics and just general bullshit about what the movie portrays.

I must say that my most favorite movie poster for this year is this:

It gives a very strong message. Even those seeking refuge from God will only find death. It's a powerful message that I believe all of us must understand; that in the final hours, we are on our own.

Some people might believe the movie and the rumors that the world will end when the Mayan calendars end. Most will scoff at that idea.

But what the movie is trying to tell is that we live in a world in danger, and we are the ones tasked with saving it.

This is a link the an article published barely 2 hours ago: Philippines' Mayon volcano spews ash, could ERUPT

Maybe some Hollywood movies are not so far off...


The Evolution of Man

For the past few weeks, I've been exposed to social media and how's it changing the world, from giving normal people to power to influence thoughts to major multinational companies running their entire campaigns online.

I have to say after a few weeks of being exposed to hundreds of articles, I am starting to agree with the picture above. Something DID go terribly wrong somewhere.

Just take a look at Facebook.


Log in at 12 AM in the morning and you'll see almost all of your friends online. From commenting on Photos to Posting on each others' walls. Its gotten to the point where we have joined a Facebook group to ban one of our friends from Facebook.

Facebook only came 2 years ago, and in that short time, it has made it's way into our lives, slept in our beds, taken control and dominated us. And we have let it dominate us.

So dependent have we become on our online portals that now we cannot go a day without plugging in. Even if you say you can go a day without plugging in, you can't deny that if there is something interesting like a funny picture or video on Facebook, you log on the moment you get your hands on a computer and you'll most likely end up logged on for a few hours.

Its not just Facebook. It's everywhere else too. From emails to photos, everything has been moved online. I am sad to admit that my entire photo collection is stored on some server far away with a Facebook logo on it.

Our reliance on the Internet grows day by day. Everything from online transactions to socialization is being moved to some server where the rest of us can be plugged in.

In the Matrix Trilogy, humans were enslaved by the computers and machines and were used as power sources. Right now, we seem to be plugging ourselves in, whether we want it or not.

Are we enslaving ourselves to technology? Maybe. Is technology fast becoming an indispensable part of our lives?


Just take a moment to think about this. Maybe the next time you log in to some website or social networking site, you might realize the kind of enslavement we are subjecting ourselves to.



It's a quiet afternoon and Im sitting here in Yishun Library.

Why'd I come here?

So that I can isolate myself and finish the script for our next musical.

Is it helping?

What do you think?

Anyways, I was surfing the net, looking up random videos when I saw this. Its fake, but you got to admit that this is hilarious. Maybe we'll try this out on one of our friends someday. =D


Gender War...

I haven't posted in a long while, so I'd thought I'd start with a really interseting topic that has been going on for quite some time.

I was sitting around talking with some friends when the age-old argument of who is the better sex came up. I chose to listen cause I found it interesting to see both sides whack it out.

I'm no sexist. I have never actively believed that men should be more dominant. But I never believed it should be the women too. I always belief there should be a healthy balance of control between both parties.

But from the way the conversation was going, both sides were adamant about their superiority. None would want to give in.

It was then that I realised that if I was to pick an answer to the question of who is the better sex... I have to say women.

Not that there are no strong men out there, its just that there are too many pussy males walking around, unable to fend for themselves, that men get labelled as the weaker sex.

Lets list down why I think women are the better sex:

1. They dont have an obscene amount of ego like guys.

Guys have ego. Every guy. Even the nerds think their good at something. But its ok to have pride in your skills... Its like petrol; you need it to fuel you. But too much of it and you are sitting on a liquid petroleum bomb. Ego is what prevents a guy form asking for directions, or help, or just asking something. We are too obsessed with being right, that we forgot about being efficient and productive and useful and not a jerk.

But does that mean you have to kick your ego out the door? No. It just means that you really have to know what you're doing. But remember that sometimes, asking for help and curbing your ego abit helps prevent embarassing situations later.

2. Girls dont have the disadvantage of thinking with their dicks.

Guys have dicks. Its in every straight guys' nature to want to fuck. You cant help it. Thats evolution for you. But girls, being the emotionally complex creatures they are, have no problem keeping their sexual energies out of the equation. They can focus on the task at hand without being distracted while her male colleagues stare at her assets and fall way behind. I might be stereotyping here, but you cant rule out the fact that most girls can get a guy to do work for them with a sweet smile and a bit of flirting.

Its not immoral, and honestly, I have to hand it to you girls for actually mastering that art. Unfortunately, guys dont have much of a defense against that attack. You have to be focused too, and not on her assets damnnit!

3. Girls can multi-task better than guys.

Contrary to annoyingly popular beliefs, guys CAN multi-task. It's just that girls are better at it. But its not something we cant do. It's just that girls are wired much better than guys and they can keep ytrack of everything much better than guys. What does this mean for men? Pay attention and work on your multi-tasking skills. It's going to be hard, but if a man can eat a sandwhich, play Halo and watch a movie, I'm sure he can do much more productive stuff.

The list can go on and on... But that does not mean that men are doomed to be enslaved to the female prowess. Men and women have their strengths and weaknesses. Both need each other; that's how we're born. It's just that guys have grown complacent over the years and their oversized ego has gotten in the way of their judgement and that has lead to our eventual downfall form the sides of our female companions.

But most guys will never get it... Their too stubbornly egoistic.

In my defense, I have to say that there are true men out there... It's just that they are an endangered species.... It's either we change ourselves, or we become the true weaker sex.

I wrote this in a state of partial comatose so forgive my lack of a structure and grammatical errors and so on ....

Im going to turn in for the night.

Ps: The argument is still going on in MSN...


No More Free Movies!



I just resigned from work yesterday. With attachment coming up and my 'record' at workplace, I felt it was better if I left while I still was on good terms with everybody... Funny how on your last day everyone suddeny starts talking to you in a more friendly way.

Is it cos your leaving? Or you just finally managed to break down the walls and start making friends? I don't know. But I enjoyed my last day there.

Gonna miss:
The Free Movies
The Unlimited supply of Coke
The Candy Bar
Making popcorn
Walking through empty peaceful halls at night
Shining flashlights into people's faces
Walkie Talkies
The People
Joking around
Sneaking people in
Getting caught for sneaking people in
The excitment of everything going horribly wrong

Spent the last few hours trudging through the stairwells... The exits are honestly the most quietest places I've ever been in. No noise, no people... Maybe just the faint thump of gunfire going off in one hall, and the Indian songs in another but other than that, it is amazingly quiet.

I'll sit there in the dark for like ten minutes, just resting... Then the walkie crackles and I have to go... Lol...

GV Yishun might be the most crappiest cinema in the North, maybe even Singapore...

But its been my sole source of joy for countless years... From Jurassic Park: Lost World (The Theatre was brand new then) to The Hurt Locker, I've watched 90% of all my movies there...

And as I changed out of my uniform one last time, as I cleaned out my locker and walked out of the staff room and punched out in the syrup room before walking into the Manger's office to return my stuff. As I walked into my last free movie and sat down in my seat, I knew that no matter how crappy this place was... I was still gonna come back for countless years to come..

For the very same reason I've been going there for countless years...

It is still the only goddamn cinema within 5 Km of my house...

-Mr Yoji-


Back to Normality

So the 1st week of school has just ended.

Only got two modules this sem that are very slack... It's a really good wind down form last sem.

But got my internship in a few weeks. Tomorrow's the interview with my potential new boss, Singapore Police Force. I'm hoping I ace it. It will be a good exposure for me to see how one of Singapore's More Prolific Goverment bodies handles its corporate image and relations. A lot of paperwork, but hey, I ain't complaining.

Anyways, Spook Fest is coming up this Saturday.

Past few days has been nothing but CC Office, print, cut staple. Just preapring the stuff for the event day. Today was our first door to door ticket selling venture, and we did quite well... Ok.

Suba and Serena did quite well... I didn't. Something about being tall, dark and wearing a shirt that says, 'Anger is my energy' must be amjor turnoff... Knew I should have worn the CC shirt.

But we sold 32 tickets! Woots! And we managed to distribute 1200 fliers... I hope to distribute another 1500 by Tuesday, and sell another 30 more...

But it's all hopes... Tell your friends, tell your families, sell tickets, distribute fliers and pray that this event is a success!!!


It was a Good Run

I don't what is it about me and criminally inclined activities.

Stealing bikes, shoplifting, sneaking people into workplace etc. It's like I was born with a malfunctioning circuit.

Think about it. I shoplifted at the age of 10...and I didn't even know. I took a packet of Hello Panda in my hand, walked out the store while talking animatedly to my friend, and only realised I had shoplifted it when I was throwing away the packet.

Don't even have to talk about my workplace. God knows what I have done subconsciously. But I know I have been sneaking people in for quite some time. So far, I've brought in 20 different sneak ins. But I never thought I was smart enough to get away with it. I was planning for when the shit hit the fan.

And guess what. Today it did... And I wasn;t even working. Tried sneaking in 3 people when I only bought 2 tickets... Naathan, Suadz and Isabelle had no idea I was sneaking 1 person in... Manager caught me.

Well, I'll know tomorrow if I am fired or not. Frankly speaking, I'd rather not work there anymore. Internship is starting soon anyways.

But the gig is up. Once you're caught, own up, face the music and move on to greener pastures. It was good while it lasted.

But honestly speaking, I'm getting irritated with what I'm doing. It's not funny anymore. When you climb into an abandoned school to go ghost hunting, its thrilling.

When you start to steal stuff from people who worked for it, you know you're losing it. I'll go back to my own code of ethics... My own ones. But like I said, it was god while it lasted... Just wish I'd have left work with a good rep instead.


Its Easier Said than Done

It's not easy being a member of a species that decides its life based on emotions... Especially when your angsty like me. I'm not someone who gets angry easily. I try to keep my cool, but there are times when I lose it completely. Some of my friends have seen glimpses of those times. On the train back from MJ Tribute dance, the MJ dance at the wedding etc. I never blew up in front of any of my friends, well at least not all.

There was still the time I started screaming on the bus at Nithya. Why? I was jealous that she liked Anaz. Was it a rational decision? Screaming "Fuck you lah Chee Bai Tiu Lei Lo Mo" on a bus full of school children is never rational...

Was it logical?

If you take into consideration the nature of our species... Yes it was logical. Why wouldn't I be angry? And Jealous? I didn't have the right to, but thats the thing. If people keep saying, 'You dont have the rights to -blah blah-', then where do I show my emotions? Lock them up?

Is there a way for me to obtain this right? The right to shout at someone. The right to feel jealous... Screw it man, I'm going to start a comapny that hands out this rights to people who give justifiable reasons... It would be fun, but at the same time, it will give people a chance to reveal their problems.

I know people have told you that what you did was wrong Suadz. People are asking you why did you blog that way about Parmes. Some even ask you what rights do you have to do that... Can you help me ask them what rights do they have to advice or scold you about what you say on your own blog? No one has the rights to say anything about what you said...

But then again, when a man kills his wife for cheating on him, is it a display of his anger? Yes. He was angry and felt betrayed and he took it out on his wife. But does his emotions give him the rights to kill her? No.

Was it wrong? Who knows... We live in a lawful society where the laws are written by Man..Who knows what is the universal meaning of right and wrong... We are just living by Man's standard of right and wrong.

But what you did was an expression of how you felt at that time. I wont deny it... It feels good to just bitch and rant about someone.

We've been doing it for the past 3 weeks about our own friends. Why? Cos we were angry and it felt good and right to do it. They talked about us too. They felt betrayed and insulted, so that gave them the 'right' to talk about us.

But amongst all that dislike and bitching, we forgot the one most important thing... That we are human... Everyone is flawed. Why must I hate on someone for a minute flaw when they have done so much for me. I felt this when I bought a bottle of Heineken and sat down with a friend to drink at Broadway. Before we started, I was like "I'm sitting down and drinking beer with someone I've been bitching about for 2 weeks or so."...

By the end, I was like, "Why was I bitching about someone whom I know cared for me, and still does. Who has done so much, who has helped so much. Who respects me, and knows the feeling was mutual. Whom I treasure as a clsoe friends, a teammate, a part of a family..."

I felt stupid and duped by my own feelings. I felt I had potentially ruined my relationship with many people. But I realised something else later on when I sat down and drank with other friends...

Sometimes its easy to forget we are beings of emotions... We have feelings. We get angry and tend to pick our flaws or make up flaws and bitch about one another. We give in to anger and hate and let our emotions deicide the course of our life.

As for my friends, I think you know who you guys are. I went through a rough patch. I took out my anger on you guys, even though I believed it would never happen again. I wont give excuses. I will apologize, but I expect no forgiveness. Its easy to say sorry... Its harder to repair the damage you caused...

I gave in to my anger. Was it right? No. Was it wrong? No. But i think I speak for those who hated with me and against me when I say this.

Its easy to, "Why'd you do it?"

Its harder to follow that advice...

Somethings are truly easier said than done...

Settling Down Again...

I think the best blog title for me is my own name... Weirded out? Yeah. I'm sure you're tired of the constant blog changes. I'll talk about that in a bit.

Well, after jumping through several blogger templates, I've settled on this one.

Minimalist... Not quite like me, but its less crazy, and that's good.

It's been a long two or so weeks. A lot of things went down in these two weeks, that lead to more shit going down. Hopefully thingswill clear up slowly. Thats that.

I shall close the book on thes past few chapters of life. Not been a very easy journey, but its the end. Time for me to move on.

In other news, good luck to all my O'Levels and A'Levels taking brothers and Sister. Hang in there dudes and deduette... Your journey's coming to and end soon. After that, its a nicelong break for you guys...

To Suadz and Isabelle... Forget what all that anger we've harbored. Why throw away friendships over trifle matters? I rather laugh about the good times then talk about the bad times...

To Naathan... Sorry I've been laying off a bit bro. I'll get that script out asap... Count on that.

To Ganesh, Prabs, Sathin, Serena, Saras, Shanty and to some extent Henry.... Funky Hairdos guys... Taking craziness and funkiness to a whole new level... Especially love Prabs fireball hairdo... Keeping up with the whole Phoneix Image I see... LOL...

Okay...Did I miss out anyone? Nope. Cool shit! Gotta go get ready for work... Thats getting fraggy without fun people... But hey what the heck? It's ok money with great benefits. Lol..

PS: Who can lend me their laptops (hints to Ganesh and Henry) to use Photoshop? I want to see how AFT logo looks in Yellow, Lime Green and Orange... Serious...


Life Drags On...

This Holidays seem to have no end...

I am surprised... I am actually starting to get bored of this holidays. It's getting boring. Laying around nothing to do... Work is boring now cos its not a peak period... The only thing spicing everything up is meeting people like Isabelle and Suadz and others these past few days.

Hmm...I need a new hobby...


What Happened to those Days...

Am on the phone with Suadz, whose blasting Cinderella Revamped songs through her room... OK she said something retarded... Lol...

Listening to Its my Time.

Brings back memories of Saturdays.

The really nice Saturdays where I'm at the CC at 7.30 am and we will be practising all the way to 10 pm...and beyond.

I loved what we did back then. It was somthing that will bring a smile to my face.. Something I'd skip school for...and I did skip school.... Lol.

Back then, it seemed so fun. So...refreshing to be part of something new and fresh. It was the same feeling for the rest of us. Everyone. We were the first of a kind. And I loved that feeling..

Now not so...

Somewhere along the way, that feeling got lost in the piles of projects and work. Wow... How do you sustain joy and enthusiasm when facing a wall of work and meetings and discussions... Its hard. Not to say we aren't being the firsts, but there is just something missing... The spark...

Cinderella had it, which was why it was special for me...

AFT doesn't, I'll be honest... Not yet. At the start yeah... Now not so much... It's painful to see your enthusiasm go down... Not just yours, but others' as well. But I'll keep trying. Keep pushing to make it for AFT.

I'm just hoping Peter Pan Musical will be the same if not better. I dont mean the show... But the feeling, the joy and pride. I'm gonna miss the stage... I really want to act, especially as (censored)... Haix. but never mind, maybe next musical.

PS: Note to Some...Fine, most friends

I know I pissed you all off in the past few weeks. Not just you guys... Many of my other friends as well. Blew some friends off.... Supposed to have a road trip with them to a tropical beach in Malaysia.... Had work. Supposed to have Frisbee with some friends... Was in no mood to run around... Was supposed to be myself and go chill with friends after work etc... Wasn't in the mood to see them...

Sometimes I wonder if I have like a once every three months kinda mood swing... Wonder if they have drug for that... Interesting... I'm not emo... I just need time for myself first while I solve some home and personal issues...

As for my projects etc... Just stay on task guys... I'll pick up the pieces...

PPS: Now I'm kicking myself for not thinking of another theme for Spookfest... Evil Circus... Maybe next year. Call it the CarnEvil... We'll have evil clowns, and mutated acrobats and scary hall of mirrors etc... Next year..

PPPS: To my dog Lassie... Sorry I accidentally kicked you this morning... Was streching... Will take you for a walk tomorrow... Love you goodnight...

Welcome to the Circus

Before you ask me I moved, I'll just explain.

Styles of Yoji was never meant to imply any sort of fashion sense. It implied the different faces I put on. In front of friends, schoolmates, family blah blah.

Different people. Different masks.

So I got sick and tired of wearing a mask, so now I'm cool with who I am.

Necro Circus is just an idea I had.

Its a circus that is twisted and evil. In essence, think Nightmare before Christmas mashed with the original joker and a drop of Tim Burton'm imagination...

Voila! Imagine mimes, who are miming against their will, evil clowns, cotton candy made from the blood of-you get the point.

Anyways, just got Ganesh'slaptop for approximately 15 plus hours. In that 15 hours, i intend to milk as much as possible out of her laptop. Got a lot of stuff to do.

Will update about life in the past week.


No No No...

Listening to Frank Sinatra and Amy Winehouse for the past hour.

Like the grooviness in her songs. Nice to slow dance to. Lol... Brings to mind glittery pants, disco balls, afros and tight shirts... Damn 80s...

Anyways, spent the day with Isabelle. Chilled out at CCK for a while then headed over to Woodlands to catch Phobia 2. Its nice to scare yourself sometimes and this was one of those times. Mani... I just want to say that the popping session was power packed with some really groovy waves.. Oh... Customer Service... LOL.

Saw the Mega-Giggolo of this era...Andrew Blank. Bro, change your hairdo seriously. The whole 2 directional tsunami shit aint working for you. Ok la. Nice to see another dustbin like me so enjoyed the conversations/burning on the train back to Sembawang.

Oh, also saw Lex at work today. Lol. Auntie to the max... We got a lot of catching up to do, seriously.

Wow... Sound gay... Oh well. I can go both ways.

Pus is oozing out my wound now so I'm going to squeeze that out. I'll dress this wound and get back to surfing the net and disturbing friends, so Chiaoz.

And oh ya, I brought it back cos I got too many questions on why I moved my blog.

Happy now Bouncer? Lol. JKJK...not...


Getting Here Someday

I love mountain biking. I'm not good at it, I'll admit. I AM an amateur. It's a expensive and skill intensive sport...

But that's why I love it. It never has a shortage of challenges...


It's not Another Phase

My Mom asked me a question today that I couldn't answer

She asked, " Are you too into my friends that you have forgotten that you are my son."

She asked," Are you so concerned about the next AFT meeting and deadlines that you've forgotten you have a brother?"

She asked if home had turned into a hotel.....

I didn't answer her, but we both knew.

It was all Yes... And I regret it...

It sucks when you see you and your family drift apart.

Work and friends does that to me... But on a daily basis?

In the past 3 weeks, I haven't spoken more than 10 words to my mom.

Everytime we talk, its a bit of nagging and an argument.

I dont want to argue. I just want her to be right for once...and accept it. I just want to come home and be at home. No internet, no projects, no friends.

Just home and family... Me, my bro and my mom. Call my Dad. Ask him what he's doing... he's coming Singapore for Deepavali...

Haix. What am I going to be doing this Deepavali season? Most likely prepping for more Projects, School and Work.

This Deepavali weekend, I'm just going to chill at home, gamble with family, go for dinner, movie shopping, talk cock. Probabaly throw a chalet or barbeue. Chill with cousins. Haix. Already reminiscing...

It's about finding the balance.

It's about sacrificing for what's really important.

Which is why I have to apologize to Serena now cause I wont be helping out for your Movie Marathon this Saturday. Not that I don't want to...

But I want to spend the day with my Bro... Go shopping with him with my pay...Chill at the movies. Go Arcade with my bro... Buy him a bag...

Just me and him. Catch up. It's the only time I can...

I might swing by for MM, but as a customer.

For that one day, I'm not an AFT member.

Just a dude chilling with his bro...

His real bro...


Awesome Cwalk...

Videos like this show me that there are Gods out there, and the road to such Godhood is still friggin` far... But hey, practice makes perfect right??

You've got to switch off my blog music player though...


I've had Better Days

Yesterday was fun... yeah right...

Haix. I wont say that it wasn't coming. I had to tell you sooner or later. But that wasn't the way I'd planned on telling you. I'd rather have told you alone...seems more respectful. But if I didn;t do it yesterday, then I dont know when I would have had the courage to tell you...

I had kept it contained up til now, but the moment others knew, I had to tell you. I rather it come from me than anyone else...

And you're right; I have a lot of drilling to go thorugh.

Thats cos I owe you an explanation, and I want to explain why I did what I did.

Knowing you, I know you will understand.


Another Day @ Work

Yesterday was a good day at work.

Busted 7 smokers inside the cinema, 5 smokers in the toilets, 14 underage movie-goers, found a wallet with alot of money in it and returned it to its owner intact, found 3 handphones and probably terrorized a few kids into keeping quiet in the cinemas.

Yep. Yesterday was a good day.

Im not saying I was happy doing all those things, especially the underage thing. Its just that yesterday, some idiot on Stomp posted an article about how easy it is to get into GV Yishun to watch an underrated movie using his brother's card. He was practically boasting.

My manager decided that things were too slack and told us to buck up, so that was what we were doing.

And to Henry, Ka Hui and all your friends. Sorry I can't let you into the Final Destination. If you had bought tickets and tried to get in, I would have busted you guys...

Sorry dudes. I love my measly pay and free movies too much to give it up.

In other news, more people joined us at work. A guy from AI, Praveen, and another dude named Rafi. Socializing a bit more, but like I said. I have a job to do. Job first, socialize later.

And I have yet to tell someone something that will change me for the better I hope.

The time is coming... But when the time comes, will I have the courage to go up to this person and tell them?


It's Time

I have a reason for doing the things I've been doing, but I never thought it was a good enough reason to justify what I've been doing.

Not just this week, but for the past few months. I've let my own personal emotions get in the way of me being productive.

I've let myself become a liability to my friends, to AFT and to myself. It's not fair to you guys.

I can be better than this. I can give more. I know, I know....

I'm going to just go up and face my problems in the face and settle it cos right now I can't let this come in the way of our future projects. There are more pressing issues at hand.

I'm going to stand up to the base plate soon. I'm just waiting for a chance.

Too many people have been hurt, too much is at stake.

Whatever happens, just know that I'm not doing this cos I want a answer. I need to get this off my chest, and I need to stop my nonsense now.

I've exhausted all my other options...

I have no time to explore alternatives anymore.

Time is running out...



Just listening to very nice love songs, courtesy of Colin.

Listening to Love Story by Taylor Swift right now. Its very sweet...

Been a long time since I heard such sweet songs...Like really listen.

Its been what? A year plus since I listened to love songs....

And I realized...Its been a year plus. I always thought I'd gotten over my past relationship, but now I realize that I'd never gotten over it.

I'd done the forgetting part...Just not the healing. It's really hard to trust myself to feel the way I used too...

Yes I know what you're all thinking...

Is this another typical emo post? Yes.
Is this guy over his relationship? Maybe not.
Is he having another drama moment? Im not sure...

Was he in love? Yes...

Now my question to you...

Have you ever been in love...?

If you have, then you'll read what I have to say with understanding and maybe even have sweet memories conjured up in your mind.

You know what I'm talking about. The days when everything seemed so perfect, when you could look at the whole purpose of your existence and feel that the sun was shining brighter and the birds were chirping louder and the wind was cooler on your face...

And her lips were sweeter than honey itself...

You were in heaven...

When you were close, you felt the whole world freeze just for you...

You didn't care who saw you, who said what.

You just enjoyed the moment you shared with the person...

I miss those moments...

I wont lie...I miss being in love.... Cause if you ask me, there is a beauty of waking up every morning, knowing there is someone waiting to see you, who loves being with you, who makes you feel like your the most important thing to them... You feel this overwhelming need to protect them and make them smile, and laugh...and love... It was never a chore...It just came to you naturally...

If you haven't felt something like that, then you would never understand what we are talking about... So stop assuming and labeling us all as weak...

If being in love means that we are weak, then Yes!! I would love to be a weak, pathetic fool... Cos there is a strength gained in losing a part of you to someone else...

So to my friends who have loved and lost... Hold on to those memories. They were always there for you in your darkest hours, in your darkest moments. To save you and pull you back. To keep the Sun shining brighter for a few more seconds, and the stars shining for another few more winks...

Hold on to them, cause they will always be there to keep you warm in your loneliest hour...

The best moments never existed....Cause time itself stopped for the both of you.... And the world was yours to take....



Behind Enemy Lines- Part 1

Never a dull moment...

Sergeant YoJi took a good look at his control unit. The information that was displayed in front of him was accurate and up-to-date.

Good. There will be no mistakes this evening.

The time was only 6.30 pm.

YoJi had been on guard for 5 hours now, watching the battlefield of Golden Village foyer, controlling the maddened horde of patrons as they ran into their caves to hide until it was time for them to leave their place of leisure and solitude.

It had been a tough 5 hours. The presence of new prey, the dreaded Kandasamy, had drawn more patrons than anyone had expected. But for the past few days, YoJi and his team had managed to hold out.

A grunt from his side told him that his CO had arrived. Lieutenant JC looked YoJi up and down before jotting something down on the control panel.

YoJi looked at his commanding officer. The man was slightly shorter than him, but YoJi knew he could pack a punch. He had seen this man single-handedly control a maddened crowd of patrons as they stampeded for the caves. Some of them were probably lying in a daze outside the cinema right now. He was a force to be reckoned with...

Jc looked at YoJi.

"Ok. Scout out 1 and 2 and report back asap. You'll be down for clean-out in ten minutes in cave 4."

YoJi nodded and left, pulling his weapon close to him, his trusty flashlight. His walkie- talkie crackled once. He reached behind his pants where it hund and adjusted the volume. YoJi made his way to cave 1, alert.

He entered the darkened cavern, taken aback by the sounds of thunder and gunfire coming from within. He walked up the stairs and scouted the cave. The patrons were quiet, hypnotized by the moving light on the wall in front of them. YoJi pulled his flashlight close and walked down the cave, watching carefully on both sides. One of them coughed. Yoga's hands dropped immediately to his walkie, anticipating the worst.

Nothing happened.

Quickly finishing up what he needed to do, he left cave 1.

He walked back out into the light and turned to cave 2 when suddenly his walkie crackled.

"General to YoJi. Come in YoJi."

YoJi drew the walkie and placed it to his mouth, then he pressed the button.

"Send over General."

"There is a problem in cave 6. Patron reported some small avian form flying in the air. Scout and report."

"Roger that."

YoJi sighed and made his way to cave 6, clipping his walkie back to his pants. Never a dull moment. He entered cave 6, and was again assailed by the sounds of screaming and yelling. He began walking up the stairs, when suddenly, he heard fluttering somewhere close in the darkness. YoJi drew his flashlight and switched it on...

To see dark eyes and wings flying straight at his face.

He ducked instinctively, the winged demon flying over his head. YoJi jumped for the door to close it, but it was too late. The demon was already out of the cave. Cursing his luck, YoJi got to his feet, pulling the walkie up to his mouth.

"YoJi to all ground troopers. We have an escaped demon loose in the foyer. I repeat there is a winged demon loose in the foyer."

He pulled open the door and ran out, just in time to see JC sprint up to him. JC threw a broom into the air. YoJi caught it and without missing a beat, turned and ran beside JC. In front of them, the winged demon flew, its screeches barely audible in the noisy foyer. Someone screamed as the demon passed over their heads. Suddenly, it turned in mid-air, diving to its right across the canyon.

YoJi looked over at JC.

"Split up and box it in!"

JC took off across the bridge that hung in the middle of the foyer, skidding to a stop right down the middle. YoJi ran straight to the other side of the foyer, positioning himself right in the middle. On the far side of the foyer, he could see his other comrades, LH and BG take positions on either side of the wall. The bat flew right smack in middle of the triangle that BG, LH and JC formed. One by one, BG and LH started to clap loudly.

The demon, irritated by the claps, banked away slowly from them, heading towards JC. Once it past JC, JC also started to clap. On both sides of the foyer, BG and LH had walked down, clapping loudly to scare the demon. Now the demon sttod in between YoJi and the three men.

Slowly, but steadily, the demon was coming closer to YoJi.

YoJi crouched, the broom clutched tightly in his hands. He had only one shot at this. Slowly the demon made its way withing 10 feet of YoJi...then 8 feet...then 6....then it was only 2 feet away, fluttering around, surrounded by LH, JC and BG.

All 3 looked at YoJi, waiting on him.

Not yet...Just a bit more...

Now the demon was directly above YoJi's head.

With a sudden leap straight up, YoJi raised the broom right above his head. In that split second, Demon and Man looked each other eye to eye. Slowly, YoJi started to fall.

With a loud crack, he brought the broom smashing on top of the demon's head. The beast flew straight into the wall, its head smashed in. Lying on the floor, it twitched once, before lying still.

All four men crowded around the beast. Suddenly, lying on the ground, the beast didn't look so beastly any more...It looked warm and fuzzy...and innocent.

They grimaced as they removed the corpse and disposed of it.

It was part of their jobs.

Just then, their walkies crackled again, as General's voice came through.

"General to all Ushers. Come in Ushers."

JC looked at the rest before answering the call. Definitely not good news.

"Send over General."

"We have a problem..."

YoJi sighed...

Never a dull moment...

To be Continued...



I think at some point in my life, things just went horribly horribly wrong. And now I can't get back to what I was before. No matter what anyone says, the person who existed before the musical is long dead and gone. I don't know if that is a good thing. I think it is. Then again, I have my doubts.

Before the musical, I used to love. I used to give my life to people in my life. Used to give willingly, let myself be vulnerable, be so full of life and joy and confidence and be honestly, truthfully carefree.

Now I am but a shadow of myself. I was broken, but I fixed myself.

All by myself.

It wasn't friends who helped. It wasn't family. It was me myself and I.

Taped the pieces of my broken heart back together, smiled and went on with life.

There is one thing about a broken heart held together with tape...

It doesn't work anymore.

I don't fall in love like I used to. Now I calculate love like a investment plan. What are the returns? Is it favorable?

Who the hell does that? I even do that to friendships, as was evident in the past one week, how I just detached myself from a few people in my life who I still find not worthy of my time...

Don't know if I should say that, but ya.

A friend of mine asked me why I am so cold now? I smile, joke, laugh, but he said he saw that I'm awfully cold.

Am I? Or am I being practical?

I dont know what I'm doing anymore. I feel nothing, no pain, no rage, no jealousy. Even seeing the person I like have fun around another guy doesn't even irk me. I still put up a porcelain face.

At first, I thought it was good acting.

Now I'm starting to wonder if its really acting.....

Its sad really... Haix.

Oh well.

Life goes on in the cold sunlight as I laugh the pains of today away...What pains will tomorrow bring?


Finally....A Well Deserved moment

Sitting in my Suite right now, with Jason Mraz crooning 'I'm Yours', with the soft air con blowing the cool wind across my face and the Sun coming in through the window, falling gently on my skin.

The ceiling to floor window is just slightly fogged as I wipe away a bit of the water to look out the window. From this hilltop view, I can see the whole school bathed in sunlight...

It has just occurred to me that I have just handed in my last school assignment... possibly ever...

After today, I wont have anymore exams...anymore CAs...anymore projects for the rest of my poly life... Possibly my life...


This truly is a well deserved moment after all these years...

I watch the birds float lazily on the wind as I mouth along with Jason Mraz... 


Another Long-Ass Week Ahead

Yep. Just like my title says, I've got another long ass week ahead.

Got work form Sunday til Wednesday.

Got AFT Meeting on Sunday.(Note the conflicting schedules)

Got Musical Meeting on Friday.

Got Michael Jackson Dance to Choreograph for Next Saturday... Still need time to practice.

Got Bettina's dance showcase to help choreo and put up next Friday. Already behind time...

Got Writing for Media due on Friday...This Friday... Not started... Lost the CA Brief...

The bright light at the end of the tunnel?

Holidays start this week... 10 weeks of bliss (work and AFT)

Pay Day next Thursday...

Life is good...


Not so Bad now...

I've been feeling quite good for the past few days.

Not wild n out good...Projects and outside stuff have kept me on the RedBull treatment for a few days, but good inside.

Like there is finally peace in chaos. I have actually managed to divert my energies from my problems and managed to put them into other more productive stuff.

Its not solved. The problems still exist...Its just that now it is much easier to face them. Yesterday at Splat! was a good example.

I had a blast. Seriously.

I've never had more fun backstage before. I naturally have fun when I'm on stage but yesterday was just good old fun... No pressure what-so-ever. The crowd was nice, the kids were great (loved their impromptu save... Amazing really) and on top of everything, I made quite a few people laugh. Too much actually, but hey, thats what I do.

I love making people happy, making them laugh. It's what I do best.

Maybe that's what I've been missing all these while. A good laugh. I got it last night, and it was good.

*Dey. Wipeout was hilarious. We shall make it a routine.*

**You're just crying to be saved but you dont want us to save you. So I'm not going to. I'll let you play with fire and I hope to hell you get burnt to ashes. Pick yourself up from that if you can. If not, you weren't really worth my attention**



Im fucking tired now. I know I am. I just dont feel it.

Weird? Not really, considering I had 7 cans of Redbull in the last 24 hours so I'm on a major sugar rush now. If I dont maintain the sugar intake, then Im fucked at Splat tomorrow. Haix...

Self-Destructive...But there is a reason.

Yes, projects, scripts and everything. But there is an obvious reason to everything.

Right now I cant feel anything...which is where I want to be. No emotions, no tiredness. Just a numbing mindlessness that is a lot of help to me right now.

It helps me not to think about some things. It helps me to face my problems and not balk or flinch. It helps me to get through being myself.

Some of you would understand. SOme would claim to understand... Some would give up. I wont bother to explain myself. Just thought I had to explain myself to those who already know...

They ought to know why I behave in such a way...

It helps... A Lot...


My Reality...

Reality is a very weird word. Those of you who have seen my Facebook account have either been confused or disturbed. Or if you are as open minded as I wish you'd  be, then you would understand what I said and am going to say.

First, lets analyze the word, reality


First, lets list down some things that are logically applicable as 'real' realities, or undeniable truths.

Gravity- It is agreed that what's goes up, must come back down to the Earth's surface. Or rather, what moves away from the surface of the Earth, must come back to its surface as long as gravitional pull is strong enough.

Force and Energy - Any moving object has kinetic energy. When that object comes to a stop, that energy MUST go somewhere. So that energy is transferred over, either to the air or another object.

The list can go on and on. These are undeniable truths. 

But these are truths of nature... Of the natural world. 1 and 1 makes 2. 

But what about the 'manufactured' realities. The fabricated truths. 

These aren't lies. They are just fabricated truths. Confused? 

Okay. Let me start from scratch. Everyone knows that Man is an organism so complex that we cannot analyze even 10% of what he does and why he does them. 


But one thing we know for sure is that man needs Order to survive. MAN REQUIRES ORDER.

Without it, he would die, disappear. Cease to exist. 

In the absence of Order, Man creates Order. It has to be part of the natural cycle. Agreed?

But who creates this Order?


Now here comes the tricky part...

Order has been an integral part of Man even before Man discovered fire, even before he hunted the Mammoths of the world.

This Order has been there since the start of Man's existence, ever since some small insignificant primate took the small step of standing up on two legs.

Did these creatures know of God then?

Did they worship some higher being? No. They created this Order amongst their small social groups so they could follow a set of rules to stay alive.

Wild animals survive in the world of teeth and law. Meaning only the strongest survive. 


So it is true and possible that in these small groups, the strongest male was the leader of the group? The alpha male? 

It is true. It is an undeniable truth. 

Okay. Fast forward a few thousand years. Man is now covered in animal fur, holding spears and hunting wild things 10 times his size. Again, the Rule of Order sets in. 1 alpha male. But now, this lone alpha male can't decide for his entire group on his own. It is too much responsibility. He and select others have to decide where the group goes, what they do.

And what they believe in.

This is where fabricated truths set in.

Because he IS the alpha male, everyone in the group listens to him. If he says sleep, people sleep. If he says hunt, they hunt. If he says migrate, they do. He is not right ever. He only decides based on what he knows, which isn't alot. 

But the group follows, cause they trust his instincts, and they trust him. 

Fast forward few thousand years. 

And you have the great empires and civillisations. 

Great walled cities filled with joy and laughter...and war and blood.

These kingdoms are ruled by a select few. These select few are either chosen by the people, or ascend to the throne because of 'blood' Whatever the reason, there are people in power, who decided for the millions.


But a city cannot survive without purpose. No individual can. So these people in power make purposes. Soldiers to guard our city... Artists to beautify or city... Concubines to keep our soldiers happy... Every one is made to fulfill some purpose. 

And society comes to believe and ACCEPT that these ARE the reasons for doing what they do. 

But here is the question... 

Why? yes, they have a purpose.  But why do it? What is the overall purpose? 

For the betterment of the city? Yes... But why?

So the people can be happy? The people can happy on their own. Why must they toil?

So that the people in power can remain in power??

Hmm... Is this possible? 

Is it possible that the reason why there is a hierarchy is that the people at the top can remain at the top. 

But what do they want from being the top? 

The human need to be the center of everything. To be the top dog. 

To live the way they want to live. To be secure in their own world, so they make those who look up to them do the work and make the masses believe they are really doing it for some greater good. 

So these people in power direct their troops to take over another country, to raid and pillage more villages and cities... All from the comfort of their homes. 

But after a while, the masses start to question the leaders. 

Some are put down, others forced into being submissive. But this is not enough.

So they create Gods... Great mighty beings who call for the blood of their enemies... Leviathans who rise out of the seas, or soar into the skies and protect the people, and demand the services of the people.

They build great temples and worship this beings, not knowing that these Gods are the products of man himself...

Fast forward a few thousand years, we have Christianity, which in my opinion is the most amazing religion.

Nt because the bible declares it so... But because it is the One religion in history that sanctioned the killing of Millions of innocent people in the name of the Lord, when the bible preached mercy and equality

The idea was simple. The Kingdom of Christ wanted land and power. So they deemed the other races unfit for the world of God. Razing the ancient temples to the ground and building Churches on top of them, raping the women of the world, claiming them to be witches who worshipped some hideous Gods from the evil past, killing the children of the world, claiming them to be the spawns of the devil....

All these in the name of Mercy and Love... 

If the Lord decreed all man equal than why is that the Church sanctioned genocides of entire civillisations? 

You see my point?

In the ancient times, the Church was the Law, God and Government. What came from the Church was deemed to be the law. But who made the Church?


Who ran it?


So who controlled what was said?


Who wrote the bible?


Was the bible written after Christ's death?

Yes...300 hundred years after his death... By a bunch of people who barely knew Christ OR his disciples.

So is it possible that the bible and the Church is flawed?

Not possible.... It is

And not just the Christianity... Islam...Judaism.

All killed millions in the name of the one true God...

You know what that God was?


And that power resides in the hands of the few...

Fast forward to today.

Today, the Churches and the mosques and the temples hold no sway over us cause globalisation has made it so. People have been exposed to a variety of differing statements over the years that they don't know what to believe anymore. 

So they turned to a new God...


Today, everything we do is controlled by how the media portrays us or wants us to be.

If a action star picked up a cigarette and smoked it, sales of cigarettes soars. If an actor makes love with another, underage pregnancies soar.


Of course you do. 

This is reality of the world. Our reality is what the people in power have made it out to be. 

Why is that what is normal and what is not is standardized by someone else. 20 years ago, homos were sanctioned demons. Today, they are becoming accepted because the media has made it so.

Soon, homos will become accepted. 

That is the way of the world. 

The person in power will keep changing it to keep his power... Keep us under his control. Keep us believing what he wants us to believe.

he doesn't like smoking cos it hurts HIS lungs...He doens't like sex cos HE cant get laid, so he wont let you get laid....or he believes in a very flawed religion that was also manufactured.

This argument can go on and on and on.... look. Im not saying I am right... I am saying that the you have to go and think for yourself.

Go out and figure out the world... Learn how it works. You'll be surprised.

Once you learn how it works, take advantage of it. Use it. Manipulate it. 

No one said it was right or wrong.

There is only fabricated realities...

Why can't it be yours that people follow....

The World will Know my Name before I Die... 


Where have all the Years gone?

Where have all the years gone?

It really is interesting to see how so many of us have grown up so fast...

From Kids who plonked themselves in front of Television set every Saturday to see Pokemon, to young adults who get up every Saturday morning to decided where they are going out today, and what new dreams and goals they are going to achieve...

Where have all the days gone? All the little things we used to do as kids?

Or has the act of growing up weeded out our childhood?

Harry Potter is a good example... A great example.

All of us surely remember the very first time Harry potter and the Sorcerer's Stone came out on the big screen, enthralling us with this new marvelous world which we were transported to every time we pressed play or flipped a page.

I clearly remember afternoons spent cooped up on a sofa with 2 Harry Potter books in front of me. I'll finish them all before midnight...

And if I couldn't, I'd stay up to finish them, hiding under a blanket with a flashlight, just like Harry did, when he had to do homework during his holidays...

But somewhere along the way, 'Awe' and 'Interest' have become replaced with words like 'Childish' and 'Nonsense'...

Is this the curse of growing up?

It saddens me to say that for these past few years, the thrill and euphoria I experienced whenever a new Harry Potter movie or book came out was gone...

I only felt disgust... Like why would anyone watch or read this crap??

Yesterday, I walked into a cinema filled with, oddly enough, adults.

The movie?

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

I was amused that so many adults would come to watch such a 'lame' flick...

Why were they here? NO....Why was I here?

Before the movie, I clearly remember telling my friend that this movie sucked and that it wasn't worth watching it. But I'd come for the company... So I decided to just enjoy the company.

But from the moment the reel started to roll, I was taken back to those lazy, cozy afternoons, remembering spells and secret rooms... to characters and locations...

Tt all came rushing back.

I was surprised when I turned to Suadz and told her at one point what Sectum Sempera, the spell meant and what it does. From which dark recess of my mind had this information been extracted from?

I knew the name of the Room in which Draco had found the Vanishing Cabinet... the Room of Requirement...

But the most painful impact came when Snape walked in, and with a single flick of his wand, killed Albus Dumbledore...

At that moment, I felt a rush of emotions through me... Not that the scene was an Oscar award winning moment...But what it meant...

Almost 11 years after I had picked up the first book, after I had been captured by this mystical world, I was witnessing something that really meant a lot to me.

The death of a character who had amazed and amused me all these years... A stone pillar of support who could laugh in the face of danger, with those 'twinkling eyes'... I watched with sadness as that twinkle left his eyes...

It was then that I realized why all these grown up people were sitting there...

This wasn't a movie for kids and children...

For the little ones who could barely understand what 'The Boy who had Lived' was all about...

This was movie for the real Harry potter fans...

The real Harry Potter generation...


The ones who had grown up on the lightning scar and secret rooms and magic and Qudditch...

Who had grown up on the Boy who Lived....

As I saw the credits roll, I remembered what it was like to be that little boy again...

I walked out with one question answered...

Where have all the years gone?

No where...

They were always right here...

We just didn't know it...


A Marvellous Tale of Adventure and Popcorn...

Just came back from work. Got off early today. Whew!

Im really f***ing overdosed on RedBull right now... How do I sleep without you, 'oh-so-lovely-over-sweetened-pancreas -killing-honey-to-my-lips'. Your smell sends ripples down my spine and i savour your sweetness on the tip of my tongue. Whoo!

Ok. Now that the im-material gay moment is over. Back to my story. Instead of writing out the day in the usual, bland boring way, I've decided I want to.... (wait for it)... WRITE A STORY!

Yes oh-so-marvellous people! I'm going to be write a story on a -oh-so-marvellous day at work.

So it begins, with our hero, sitting in his trench...

The Candy Bar... waiting for his witless prey to come...

the oh-so-dreaded Patron.

He checks his watch. Its only 630. He looks up. Somewhere in the distance, he hears footsteps.

A lot of footsteps...Like the sound of thunder.

He gets up, preparing his counter for the inevitable rush of maddened creatures, hungry mouths waiting to be fed with the piles and piles of food waiting behind him.

He tenses. He's ready. Beside him, his brave comrades get up too. Some quickly re-load their ammo, stocking the racks with chips and sweets. Other prepare their grenades, cups of ice waiting to be filled with the thirst-quenching drinks the enemy so desires.

He sees his prey now, filing up at the gates of hell, thrusting their tickets at the overwhelmed ushers. The ushers move quickly, letting the first through. But they cannot hold on much longer...

Then, the first of them break through.

Rushing blindly forward, they hit the counter like a gargantuan wave, screaming their foul, damned orders, hungry mouths and faces waiting to to be stuffed!

He lobs a few grenades to appease their appetites first, then turns to get the heavy artillery...

The Popcorn.

He rushes forward. Suddenly, his comrades appears to his left, carrying a tray of nachos. Our hero ducks, barely avoiding the hot cheese waiting to scald the inside of some distasteful mouth!

He quickly recovers and gets to the armory to fill up his tanks with the popcorn. He rushes back, just as the disgusting creatures scream for more bloody hotdogs!

Cursing his fate, our hero jumps to the rack to scoop up a few cheesy hotdogs, burning his hands along the way. He gets back in time to receive the smelly, sweat-drenched cash, just as new wave of monsters hit the counter.

He fights this unrelenting crowd for what seems like ages. His comrade to his side yells, overwhelmed. He jumps in to help her, scooping up nachos and hotdogs for her...But is it enough?

Looking around at the screaming and the carnage our hero realises one thing...

They were overwhelmed.

He rushes over to his comm unit to do the one thing he could ...

Call for backup....

In seconds, his general and lieutenant arrive with 2 more soldiers. Now, 7 people are working to fight off the hellish mob!

It starts to work. The mob is slowly thinning out. Our hero glances over at the crowd as he fills up a cup. They were winning!

Within minutes, the mob is all but gone, fleeing to the safety of the darkened chambers where they will sit, enthralled by moving pictures and sound, oblivious to the war that just happened outside.. It was like they were never there.

But our hero knows that soon, a new army will arrive. And they will be under siege again. They had only minutes. They reloaded, restocked and prepared again.

Our hero stares at his watch... 645...

Fifteen minutes... It had seemed like a lifetime...

Over the dark dark horizon...he hears thunderous footsteps...


New Found Belief...

Note: A confusing blog post... If you get headaches, Im sorry...

Its refreshing to find an answer after searching for a long, long time.

And I've found my answer today. A reason to live to the fullest. Im not gonna say what that reason is. It will be confusing for the misinformed and offensive to the hard-headed, but rest assured Ill always be the same...

But my morals may change... But do I care?

Have I ever cared?

Should I ever care?

Yes I should. I love the people in my life, and I care about them a lot.

I also found another reason to reach higher... A reason some may find racist....But I find it to be the greatest reason of all...

A true purpose in life.

This is the most idiotic blog post I've ever written...

But you'll see the answers soon enough...


To a Sister in Need

I know me and Suadz couldn't be there all the way at your chalet...And I know you probably felt sad that we were gone so soon...

But we just want you to know that we both love you alot. Really.

You just out a smile on our lips every single time...without fail. Even with all your compromises and mistakes, we still love you.

So it pains us to hear what you told us last night... It hurt abit. I was a bit saddened...Suadz was furious. What you said was really stupid. So dont ever say it again. you make our friendship sound materialistic... I know this is not the correct word, but you make it seem that way. You pay back what you get kinda thing...

Thats not what friends are for. We're not a bank with loans and payback schemes. We just love to be around our friends and we just love to share our lives and secrets with each other... So you never have to feel indebted to us.

How would you feel if we did the same thing to you???

If you ever want to talk about anything, call us...

We've got nothing but time...


The FlooD of EmotTions...

just thInking about someThings. isn't it odd how you always think some things in life are simple, but when the time comes, you are really stumped as to how you're going to Solve them. odd how you also happened to say that you may never get yourself into such a situation...yet here you are, stuck again.... grr...

another loNg tiring day... went to work and rotted...although im getting the hang Of the candy counter. managed to run the entire counter myself for a full two hours before i had to scream for help... wooTs!

my brother is screaming in the room...scaring the little girl... my mom is laughing.....What sick sadistic pleasures do people get from such activities?

Haix....what sick sAdistic pleasures do you get from such Things??

i wake everY morning to see your face... i am drawn to yOu...the sweet tantilizing taste of care-freeness, yet i know it will end Up in pain for me. yet i still follow you...

haix....gotta keep you out of my mind now... its Too painful. going in can mean more Harm than good....yet not goIng in brings me to the questioN...what if?

what if i did go in? what if i did follow you all the way. will we go where i want to? or will you taKe me on a journey through neverland....where everythIng is beautiful and perfect...buT it will never be for me...

from a shiny car to a rusty heap

such questions rack my mInd every day when i wake up... emo kid...i know...

but i like dwelling on Such things. but wise men said to not never dwell on what ifs...cos what ifs will never be....

i have to stop thinking about You. and start thinking about me...

so im going to stop looking at yOu...stop seeing you....stop thinking about you...

til i'll Just get a grip of myself...

Ill miss you...for now...


Movie Magic

Movie Magic....

What happens behind the scenes at the movies?

I dont mean 'Lights, Camera and Action.'

I mean at the MOVIES....

Popcorn, Silver Screen, Movie Premieres, Opening Night, Box Office and the ever faithful Candy Counter that has serviced our sweet tooth with its mouth-watering, eye dazzling sight for many years....

I've always wondered what really happens behind the screen...

What happens from the moment you enter a cinema, to when you buy the tickets, to the moment you step up to the candy bar to order your sweets, to when you sit down and watch the blockbuster to the moment you step back out into sunlight and reality?

What goes into all these to make it happen?

A lot... trust me.

I've only worked at the Candy Counter for 2 days, but I can tell you that it takes at least 30 people to run a cinema effectively to bring you a seamless experience.

From the Box Office staff, to the ushers who tear your tickets to the candy counter staff (Thank you!) to the projectionist to the cleaners.

From the moment you enter the cinema, to the moment you leave, its a mad rush behind the screens and counters to bring you the most seamless experience ever....

Now I'm part of that magic... And I haven't even gotten to best part yet...

Friday night openings....

Woots! Im just waiting for Friday Night...


Here is something for you...

3 short poems....For 3 different people. Each poem speaks specifically to one different person...

For the Insecure One...
If I should die, before I awake...
Just know that my dreams will always stay.
Float through the skies or the bottom of a lake...
This sweet memories will never go away....

For the Depressed One...
There are always times when you feel sad...
Times when you will cry helplessly.
Times when the world seems bad...
But through the times I'll be there for you Selflessly....

For the Troubled One...
A red sun rises crimson over the distant shore...
A sea gull echoes its death cry.
The widows stand by the waters, their faces forlorn...
As the waves crash onto their feet like red dye.
Their weeping can be heard for a thousand days...
Their haunted cries carried on the gale.
When would this waiting souls finally fade...
Or is there no end to their ghostly tale....

You will find your answers here....



I am getting bad at naming my blog posts, as you can see for yourself. Lol

Anyways, last night went for 'The Daniel James Sketch Show', and before I start I have to say a big THANK YOU to Henry for coming down last minute to help out. Really appreciate it bro.

And a lot of thanks to Mani, Shan and Nithya for helping me transport the equipment down for me. Appreciate it guys! =D

Anyways, moving on to the show.

DJ, I know you were tired and worried about Marie and that might have affected your performance, just know that we enjoyed it. ALOT!

Especially the end. Relax bro. Its your first time, so dont put so high expectation on yourself. Chill out.

The next one will be better!I promise. =D

Anyways, sitting at home now. Just reformatted my laptop so that's good news. Just downloading a bunch of songs I want to bring along later to the CC to dance to. Just gonna go all out today and dance. Need it really...

For those of you who dont know,Arteen Furteens is organising a massive dance tribute to MJ on the 1st of Aug.

To find out more details, just go to Facebook and type in Arteen Furteens and add us and we'll keep you updated about the tribute.

Shit. Gotta go. Dog's puking. Bye!


A Weird Day that turned out Beautifully Fine...

Today was a really odd day.

I started out by meeting up with Nithya in the morning. Chilled with for a while then sent her to Jurong East MRT. (I bounced back to Woodlands) It was nice to see her. =D

Then headed to Woodlands to chillax until Timezone was open, but the whole CP was closed. Walked around like a beggar for an hour waiting for XCraft or Timezone to open. It really sucks to walk around aimlessly, dressed like your off to some tribute party for MJ, with a laptop and charger in your bag...I was bored shitless...

Finally Timezone opened (Thank goodness for that) Played a few games, then decided to ask the counter staff for a job there....The goddamn lady made me run around timezone looking for the manager.

Here's a question.

What should, or rather WHAT would you expect the Manager of Timezone to wear?

ANS: A Timezone shirt or at least carry a badge that says 'Manager'.

No. You know what this idiot was wearing? Some cheap shit Pasar Malam shirt and berms and he was playing f***ing BOWLING WITH A NINE YEAR OLD!!

ok the nine year old was made up BUT HE WAS PLAYING FRIGGIN` BOWLING!!!

I was se-ri-ous-ly pissed...ok, ticked off. Then, I ask this guy about the hours and stuff and he was very professional about it, telling me what duties I'm expected to do and stuff. Then I ask him about pay and guess what?

Its only $3.50 an hour....for 12 hour shifts. 4 days a week... And I have 8 week trainings...

I just smiled and left.... I'd rather be a customer than work at your arcade for the shit pay when even Macdonalds-french-fries-cooking-aunties earn at leat 4.50 an hour!

I left, hung around for ten minutes then met Saras, who thankfully wasnt dressed as bad as she was dressed yesterday....

Sorry girl... But the whole black leggings, jean shorts and white long sleeve shirt looks cute...Just not on you.... =D...

.... Ouch...I see pain-to-come....

Moving on with less mundane stuff...

We went over to NUS to help her Paint sets....note the word PAINT...

We didnt lift a single fucking brush the whole day

The moment we got there, Shrek's 2nd in command was there to tell us that we had to build stairs...

Saras was smiling at the guy...He got freaked out. I was cool with building sets. Just a chance to nail away my frustration!

So we started, and somewhat built sides for the stairs, when we realised that the door archways that me and prabs and saras and god knows who else painted a few nights ago was trashed cos this geniuses forgot about a little thing called 'Wind'...and 'Light fragile Wood'...and 'REMEMBER TO FREAKING SECURE YOUR SETS DOWN SO THEY DONT COMMIT SUICIDE BY FALLING'!!!

I know I seem like I'm PMSing, but Im not.... My god. Why do I get the feeling Im gonna read this blog and realize that it will sound like some PMSing girl wrote it... And why do i feel like the house is tilting to my...erm...Its just tilting...

Getting back. We finished the stairs...or rather the sides and we were waiting around cos we had to drive up to YJC and get the dastardly pillars that ruined so many shirts for me...

So we waited....and waited...and waited...

And then we realized that when the fella who said 30 mins...He meant INDIAN timing...

Macha! Tamilan timing da! (Dude! Indian timing bro!)

So we waited, or rotted til freakin` 310, when some dude in a taxi-car (Hyundai Sonata) rolled up. He looked ok la. A mix between Anyan, the famous Tamil villain with the funky hair, and an Onion.

So me, Saras, Pru (is it Puru? Or Pulu? or Puku? I duno. I dont remember the names, just the insults I throw at them) Onion and their friend Ganga...or Ganja...All I know is that he couldnt afford good earrings. he probably found nuts and stuffed shiny rocks in them with white glue then put them in his ears and called them 'bling'... Then we rode to CCK.

We were supposed to get the truck first apparently. At CCK, We pulled up into a gas station.

Saras started banging her head against the seat in front of her cos we were late. The Mappilais all got out and were discussing gas prices. I was amused.

I bought Saras Kindo Beuno so she would shut up... I was wrong..

After pulling out of the gas station,the ;Mappilais' were discussing where to go next. I thought they were being serious and getting down to getting the truck and then going to YJ. Really professional right? ;D

So we pulled up in front of some blocks. I thought this is wher ethe truck was. Onion, who was the driver, pulled up to the kerb and he says this...

"Dey. Bus stop la. Lets be responsible.'

So they park the car 1 metre in front of the yellow box on the road at the busstop, get out,

and have a smoke break...



Now I was banging my head against the car seat... Saras was crying into her kindo bueno...well almost... The dudes were standing around like they were heroes and shit...

Then a couple of Anjacks (Their friend) rolled up and for some reason Saras thought her life was over. Apparently people in YJ would see her with Anjacks and her rep would go down and she will turn out to be crap and blah blah... O.o

Goddamit woman, just say they are your minions that have been subjected to your freaking manipulative, seducin-... manipulative ways... (Pain-to-come....)

So we drive from there to the truck stop, get the truck. Then I direct them to Yishun. ( Wow! I actually helped =D)

Time was 4.30 I think when we pulled into YJ.

We took the normal temp checks and went in. Saw kanitha in her 'lovely' red sweater... Lols!

We got the pillars down pronto...Sorry Saras for the shit that happened with the last 2 pillars.... roflol!!! I really am....

We managed to fit the stuff into the truck perfectly. Swee!

Then we piled into the car and drove back.

Once back in NUS, me and Saras thought we could finish up the stairs. So she went around looking for the red and blue paint... She found the blue paint...

Where was the red??

Shrek to Puku : Dey no more red ah?
Puku to Ganja: Dey, no more red ah?
Ganja to Onionface: Dey no more red ah?
Onionface to Saras: No more red ah?

Saras to some being in heaven : SCREW THEM ALL!

I will be honest.

I WASNT pissed that there was no more red. (I wasnt really)

I was sadistically watching how amazingly retarded this dudes were. I swear! This are guys you will love cos they are just a bunch of people who dont know what the heck they are doing...But they happen to be self-proclaimed experts on the topic of life and its philosphies.... Note: Sivaji...

So Saras decided to leave the brainiacs to the discussion of how to nail 3 wooden planks to a wooden pillar (Apparently Einstein couldnt solve this...)

She left instructions to Shrek who looked like he couldnt understand why some higher being was talking to him.

(I Know im putting people down...But seriously. Yo've got to see them. I actually love this guys! =D)

So me and Miss Girl left. I was actually contemplating pouring water on her head to see steam come up... really...

After that it was just normal again (Its really the NUS guys who made the day interesting)

Then Shan calls me, or calls Saras to ask me about dinner with Kesavan and Kanitha at BK at yishun.

Saras got off at semb, probably to go home and fume about those guys....Good luck . . . Girl.... :D

The I met the gus at BK.

FUN LIKE HELL! really! It was like being back in sec 3 again with ya'll.. We were just laughing our ass off.

We were laughing so hard, some dude kept saying 'SHOO, SHOO'

We didnt care. We laughed harder. I suggested throwing a shoe at him, they all laughed. I dont see why all my honest suggestion turn into jokes... I was really thinking of throwing a shoe.

AFTER that, we walked Shan back to the station and sent her off, all the while commenting on her finely 'toned' arms and tummy.. JB 4 LIFE!

Then sent miss beggar girl home.... LOL on the escalator Kanitha...really!

Then me n kesavan walked over to the 812 bus stop where we tried to catch up on life, but there is just too much.

We all just need to meet up one day and have fun. Just the AI mackalz! Really!

Sent him off, then came home and now writing this. My god. Took me an hour to write this, and this is probably the longest blog post I've ever done.

LOL! I am seriously contemplating skipping sch on Thurs just to go down and spend 30 freaking hours at NUS just to see the shit that happens!! LOL

Til the next crazy episode, see ya!!

PS: Michael Jackson Lovers........Its Coming....