
Valentines Day

Feb 14! Haha!

I really have nothing to say for Valentines. It was the same like any other Valentines...No special someone. No dates. Nothing,

It never bothers me though. I found that the fun of Valentines came from watching the mad rush for gifts and flowers at gift shops and shopping centres, watching the staff go crazy at overbooked restaurants and cafes and counting the crazy amount of color co-ordination that couples put into their dressing so that they could be a couple.

I applaud the militaristic planning that people put into surprising their loved ones, the extra special dinners and extra expensive gifts. I just never understood why they never did this on any of other 364 days...

What makes this day so special that everyone is going about doing stuff for one another but they forget about it on the other days. So today she is 'That One' and tomorrow 'she's just my girlfriend'... haix.

But I found out today that the real meaning of Valentine was not love...

But Hope, a bright star in the dark sky...something to look forward to. Something to tell you that no matter how bad your day has been, there is always that someone who will always love you. That you can have 364 days of non-stop fighting but on this one day, you can really enjoy each other's company, to take the time to tell each other how much you appreciate them.

All across the island, people are falling in love again, or falling in love for the first time. Cuddled in the arms of their loved ones, they stare at the moon or sea or stars, dreaming of the long beautiful road of love ahead.

A beautiful stranger on the train back home made me realize what I've been missing all along...
